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Excel Object Model: Series

The series object manages the values of a series of data that is displayed in a chart. The set of series objects is accessed from the chart's .seriesCollection property.
A series is associated with the primary or secondary axis group which is exposed by the series' property .axisGroup whose value is either xlPrimary or xlSecondary.

Interesting properties

Some interesting properties of the series object include
name The name of a series might be specified in the first argument of the series() function (see .formula property)
xvalues Either a range or an array of values
type set to a constant such as xlColumn, xlBar etc, see below.
charttype an element of the xlChartType enumeration. This value seems to be especially interesting if the series object is used in a combo chart where multiple chart types are represented by the series objects.
formula =series(…).


The formula property is assigned a =series(…) function. This function is special because it can only be used for charts, not in worksheets.
When a particular series is selected on the chart, the series() function and its arguments is shown in the formula bar.
At least surface charts do not have a series() formula.


The parameters of the =series() function are
=series( name , x_values , values , plot_order, bubble_size )
name specifies the name of the series. If this parameter is not specifed, a default name like Series1 will be used.
x_values specifies the category values. If this parameter is not used, the values 1, 2, 3 … will be chosen.
It is usually assumed that all series of a chart share the same x_values.
values specifies the values of the series.
plot_order specifies the order of the series in the series collection of a chart.
bubble_size is optional

Hardcoded values

The for x_values and values can either be specified with a range notation (that always seems to include the worksheet name) or a hard coded set of values with a curly-braces notation:
=series(… , { 17, 23, 19 }, … )


The type property can be set to one of the following constants:
xlColumn 3
xlBar 2
xl3DBar -4099
xlLine 4
xlPie 5
xlXYScatter -4169
xlArea 1
xl3DArea -4098
xlDoughnut -4120
xlRadar -4151
xl3DSurface -4103
xl3DColumn -4100
xl3DBar -4099

See also

Excel Object Model
