Search notes:

Excel Range object and VBA arrays

A range object is related to a one or two dimensional VBA array

Combining resize and assigning an array

Combining resize and assigning an array to the resized range can be used to dump the content of the array onto an excel sheet.
option explicit

sub main() ' {

    dim ary(1 to 5) as string

    ary(1) = "one"
    ary(2) = "two"
    ary(3) = "three"
    ary(4) = "four"
    ary(5) = "five"

    range("b3").resize(1, uBound(ary)).value = ary

end sub ' }
Github repository about-MS-Office-object-model, path: /Excel/Range/dump-array-into-cells.bas
Similarly, a two dimensional array can be written into cells like so:
option explicit

sub main() ' {

    dim ary_2d as variant

    ary_2d = [{ 1,2,3,4,5 ; "one","two","three","four","five" ; "a","b","c","d","e" }]

    dim ary_width  as integer
    dim ary_height as integer

    ary_width  = uBound(ary_2d, 2)
    ary_height = uBound(ary_2d, 1)

    debug.print ary_width  ' 5
    debug.print ary_height ' 3

    range("b2").resize(ary_height, ary_width).value = ary_2d

end sub ' }
Github repository about-MS-Office-object-model, path: /Excel/Range/dump-2d-array-into-cells.bas

Writing an array horizontally or vertically to a worksheet

writeArrayToSheet() is a simple function that writes the content of a (one dimensional) array to a worksheet, either horizontally or vertically, and returns the range to which the values in the array were written.
option explicit

sub main() ' {

    dim rngRowNames as range
    dim rngColNames as range

    set rngRowNames = writeArrayToSheet(3, 2, array("1st row", "2nd row", "3rd row", "4th row"), false)
    set rngColNames = writeArrayToSheet(2, 3, array("val one", "val two", "val three"         ), true )

    rngRowNames.interior.color = rgb(240, 200, 170)
    rngColNames.font.bold      = true

end sub ' }

function writeArrayToSheet(r as long, c as long, ary as variant, optional horizontal as boolean = false, optional ws as worksheet = nothing) as range ' {

    if ws is nothing then
       set ws = activeSheet
    end if

    dim szArray_minusOne as long
    szArray_minusOne = uBound(ary) - lBound(ary)

    with ws ' {

        if horizontal then
           set writeArrayToSheet = .range(.cells(r, c), .cells(r, c+szArray_minusOne))
           writeArrayToSheet.value = ary
           set writeArrayToSheet = .range(.cells(r, c), .cells(r+szArray_minusOne, c))
           writeArrayToSheet.value = application.worksheetFunction.transpose(ary)
        end if

    end with ' }

end function ' }
Github repository about-MS-Office-object-model, path: /Excel/Range/VBA-arrays/write-array-to-sheet.bas
After executing main, the arrays were written like so:

See also

writing a 2D array to a worksheet and Using WorksheetFunction.transpose to write an array vertically to a worksheet.
