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Highlighting differences in two ranges in Excel

This is an example that demonstrates how to highlight data differences in two ranges.
A «record» is identified by an «ID»: columns C and K. The individual values of a range on the left side is compared to the values on the right side (for example row 5 (9-xy-8) on the left side with row 9 on the right side.
Ids which are only found on one side are marked red:

VBA source code

This is the VBA code to highlight the differences.
option explicit

sub diff_ranges(         _
       ids_A   as range, _
       data_A  as range, _
       ids_B   as range, _
       data_B  as range )

   dim fc as formatCondition
   dim c  as string : c = ","

 ' Formulae can be shortened by setting paramter 'external' to false, but then, they
 ' will only work if the data being compared is on same sheet.
 ' For convenience, I always set this value to true, although it probably
 ' would be more elegant if 'external' is only used if so required.
   dim multipleSheets as boolean : multipleSheets = true

 ' Highlight keys in ids_A which are not found in ids_B and...
   set fc = ids_A.formatConditions.add(xlExpression, formula1 := "=ISNA(MATCH(" & ids_A.cells(1,1).address(rowAbsolute := false, external := multipleSheets) & c & ids_B.address(external := multipleSheets) & c & "0))")
   fc.interior.color = rgb(255,  40, 60)

 ' keys in ids_B which are not found in ids_A:
   set fc = ids_B.formatConditions.add(xlExpression, formula1 := "=ISNA(MATCH(" & ids_B.cells(1,1).address(rowAbsolute := false, external := multipleSheets) & c & ids_A.address(external := multipleSheets) & c & "0))")
   fc.interior.color = rgb(255,  40, 60)

   dim formula as string

   formula  = "=" & data_A.cells(1,1).address(rowAbsolute := false, columnAbsolute := false, external := multipleSheets)     & _
    " <> offset(" & data_B.cells(1,1).address(rowAbsolute := true , columnAbsolute := false, external := multipleSheets) & c & _
    "match(" & ids_A.cells(1,1).address(rowAbsolute := false, external := multipleSheets) & c & ids_B.address(external := multipleSheets) & ", 0)-1,0)"

   set fc = data_A.formatConditions.add(xlExpression, formula1 := formula)
   fc.interior.color = rgb(255, 217, 102)

   formula  = "=" & data_B.cells(1,1).address(rowAbsolute := false, columnAbsolute := false, external := multipleSheets)     & _
    " <> offset(" & data_A.cells(1,1).address(rowAbsolute := true , columnAbsolute := false, external := multipleSheets) & c & _
    "match(" & ids_B.cells(1,1).address(rowAbsolute := false, external := multipleSheets) & c & ids_A.address(external := multipleSheets) & ", 0)-1,0)"

   set fc = data_B.formatConditions.add(xlExpression, formula1 := formula)
   fc.interior.color = rgb(255, 217, 102)

end sub
Github repository about-MS-Office-object-model, path: /Excel/FormatCondition/diff-ranges/diff-ranges.vb

Test data

Here is a piece of code that creates the test data for the functionality:
option explicit

sub test_diff_ranges(optional multiple_worksheets as boolean = false) ' {

    dim sh_1 as worksheet
    dim sh_2 as worksheet

    set sh_1 = worksheets.add

    if multiple_worksheets then
       set sh_2 = worksheets.add
       set sh_2 = sh_1
    end if

    with sh_1
   .range(.cells(3, 3), .cells(3, 8)).value = array("ID"       , "val A", "val B", "val C", "val D", "val E")
   .range(.cells(4, 3), .cells(4, 8)).value = array("20-a-13"  , "a"    , "b"    , "c"    , "dd"   , "f"    )
   .range(.cells(5, 3), .cells(5, 8)).value = array("9-xy-8"   , "g"    , "hhh"  , "i"    , "by"   , "dx"   )
   .range(.cells(6, 3), .cells(6, 8)).value = array("28-uyy-3" , "l"    , "m"    , "n"    , "o"    , "p"    )
   .range(.cells(7, 3), .cells(7, 8)).value = array("7-hpp-9"  , "q"    , "r"    , "s"    , "t"    , "u"    )
   .range(.cells(8, 3), .cells(8, 8)).value = array("13-gv-2"  , "v"    , "w"    , "x"    , "y"    , "z"    )
    end with

    with sh_2
   .range(.cells(3,11), .cells(3,16)).value = array("ID"       , "val A", "val B", "val C", "val D", "val E")
   .range(.cells(4,11), .cells(4,16)).value = array("20-a-13"  , "a"    , "b"    , "c"    , "d"    , "f"    )
   .range(.cells(5,11), .cells(5,16)).value = array("7-hpp-9"  , "q"    , "r"    , "s"    , "j"    , "k"    )
   .range(.cells(6,11), .cells(6,16)).value = array("13-gv-2"  , "vvv"  , "w"    , "x"    , "y"    , "z"    )
   .range(.cells(7,11), .cells(7,16)).value = array("21-aed-72", "q"    , "r"    , "imi"  , "t"    , "u"    )
   .range(.cells(8,11), .cells(8,16)).value = array("13-uxd-8" , "y"    , "tr"   , "ul"   , "j"    , "k"    )
   .range(.cells(9,11), .cells(9,16)).value = array("9-xy-8"   , "g"    , "h"    , "i"    , "by"   , "dx"   )
    end with

    diff_ranges                         _
       sh_1.range(sh_1.cells(4,  3), sh_1.cells(8, 3)), _
       sh_1.range(sh_1.cells(4,  4), sh_1.cells(8, 8)), _
       sh_2.range(sh_2.cells(4, 11), sh_2.cells(9,11)), _
       sh_2.range(sh_2.cells(4, 12), sh_2.cells(9,16))

end sub ' }
Github repository about-MS-Office-object-model, path: /Excel/FormatCondition/diff-ranges/test.vb


2022-03-22: The function diff_ranges now sets external to true in range.address so as to allow to compare data from ranges in two different worksheets.

See also

Excel's FormatCondition object
