Search notes:

Excel Object Model: AutoFilter

An AutoFilter object allows to hide or show rows based on criterias put on the values in the cells of these rows. Thus, it somewhat corresponds to an SQL's where clause.

Methods and Properties

filters A collection of filter objects which represent the filter-condition for a column of the Range on which an auto-filter is applied.


Basic example

The following simple example tries to demonstrate how an autoFilter object might be used.
The example also prints the values the worksheet's .autoFilterMode and .filterMode properties a few times. The meaning of these properties is:
  • autoFilterMode, if true: drop down triangles are shown
  • filterMode, if true at least one filter is active, thus some rows might be hidden.
option explicit

sub main() ' {

    dim sh as worksheet : set sh = activeSheet

    dim rng as range
    set rng = createTestData(sh)

    printFilterProperties sh              ' autoFilterMode: False, filterMode: False

  ' Turn on the filters on the ranges.
  ' Note: the word «autoFilter» is a
  ' method when applied to a range,
  ' but a property when applied to
  ' a worksheet
    printFilterProperties sh              ' autoFilterMode: True, filterMode: False

  ' First criteria: value of colTwo
  ' needs to be between 50 and 100:
    rng.autoFilter field     :=      2, _
                   criteria1 := ">50" , _
                   operator  := xlAnd , _
                   criteria2 := "<100"

    printFilterProperties sh              ' autoFilterMode: True, filterMode: True

  ' Second critera: value of first column
  ' needs to start with the letter «U»:
    rng.autofilter  field     :=  1,    _
                    criteria1 := "=U*"


end sub ' }

function createTestData(sh as worksheet) as range ' {

'   sh.usedRange.clearFormats
'   sh.usedRange.clearContents

    dim r, c as long : r = 0 : c = 1

    with sh ' {

         r = r + 1 : .range( .cells(r, c), .cells(r, c+3) ).value = array("colOne", "colTwo", "colThree"  , "colFour")
         r = r + 1 : .range( .cells(r, c), .cells(r, c+3) ).value = array("AB"    ,     130 , #2014-06-02#,      21.4)
         r = r + 1 : .range( .cells(r, c), .cells(r, c+3) ).value = array("UVW"   ,      99 , #2010-05-07#,      17.2)
         r = r + 1 : .range( .cells(r, c), .cells(r, c+3) ).value = array("PQ"    ,      42 , #2020-02-17#,      38.0)
         r = r + 1 : .range( .cells(r, c), .cells(r, c+3) ).value = array("XYZ"   ,     111 , #2018-12-03#,       1.1)
         r = r + 1 : .range( .cells(r, c), .cells(r, c+3) ).value = array("DEFG"  ,      15 , #2017-04-28#,       5.9)
         r = r + 1 : .range( .cells(r, c), .cells(r, c+3) ).value = array("UTA"   ,     128 , #2011-06-03#,      33.9)
         r = r + 1 : .range( .cells(r, c), .cells(r, c+3) ).value = array("XYZ"   ,     111 , #2018-12-03#,       1.1)
         r = r + 1 : .range( .cells(r, c), .cells(r, c+3) ).value = array("CLM"   ,      68 , #2021-04-19#,      65.3)

         set createTestData = .range(.cells(1, c), .cells(r, c+3) )

    end with ' }

end function ' }

sub printFilterProperties(sh as worksheet) ' {

    debug.print "autoFilterMode: " & sh.autoFilterMode & ", filterMode: " & sh.filterMode

end sub ' }
The only record that satisfies the selected criteria is the second one:
See also this example that demonstrates how auto filters can be used on listObject objects.

At most one autoFilter per worksheet

Excel allows at most one active autoFilter per worksheet. If the autofilter is active can be queried in VBA with an expression similar to
not activeSheet.autoFilter is nothing
This expression evaluates to true if an auto filter is in place and to false if not.
In the Data tab of the Ribbon, the Filter symbol is highlighted if there is an active auto filter.
Note that an autofilter can be active even if no rows are filtered or any criterias were defined.
If multiple regions (ranges) need to be filtered, list objects (aka tables) might be used.

Showing all records with VBA

In order to show all records that might previously have been filtered, the showAllData method can be used:
This is effectively the same as clicking Data -> Sort & filter -> Clear on the Ribbon.

Required header

As far as I see it, a header is required for an autoFilter, at least when defining it.

Problems with sum function

When using the =sum(…) worksheet function right below (and adjacent) to the filtered range, it seems that Excel tries to incluce this sum() into the range (and thus is hidden after applying a criteria to the filter).

Print filtered columns

The following simple function prints (debug.print) the numbers of the columns where a filter is applied:
sub printFilteredColumns(byVal ws as worksheet) ' {
   if not ws.filterMode then ' {
       debug.print "no columns are filtered"
       exit sub
   end if ' }

   dim col as long
   for col = 1 to ws.autoFilter.filters.count ' {
       if ws.autoFilter.filters(col).on then
       end if
   next col ' }

end sub ' }
The function can be called from the immediate window like so
printFilteredColumns activeSheet

See also

The ctrl-shift+L keyboard shortcut turns on autofiltering.
Worksheet functions that use criterias
A worksheet's property filterMode
The autoFilter() method of the range object.
The conditions in an auto-filtered Range are formulated with filter objects.
Using Excel's AutoFilter object in the immediate window.
The sortField object.
Excel Object Model
