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Excel Object Model: Application.goto

application.goto allows to jump to a specific cell on a worksheet.
option explicit

sub main() ' {

    application.goto "r20c9" ' Must use R1C1 reference style
    activeCell = "I went to row 20, column 9"

    application.goto "r10c14"
    activeCell = "I went to row 10, column 14"

    dim rng as range
    set rng = cells(5, 3)
    application.goto rng
    activeCell = "I went to row 5, column 3 via a range"

end sub ' }
Github repository about-MS-Office-object-model, path: /Excel/Application/goto.bas

Jumping to a procedure (sub or function)

application.goto allows to jump to the definition of a procedure in the Visual Basic for Application Editor if the value of the string is the name of a procedure:
application.goto "SomeSub", scroll = true

See also

window.scrollRow and window.scrollColumn
