Search notes:

Excel GUI

GUI elements (to be finished, of course…)

See also and notes VBA / Object model
Worksheet window aka work area worksheet
Ribbon The thing that replaced the menu bar in Office 2007
Scroll bars worksheet.scrollArea; window.displayHorizontalScrollbar and .displayVerticalScrollBar
Formula bar Below the ribbon, used to enter or edit values or formulas.
Name box Identifies the selected cell, chart item or drawing object; positioned at the left side of the formula bar. Allows to name a cell or a range.
Row and column headings The gray (numbered or lettered) area to the top and left of a row or column. An entire row/column can be selected by clicking on the heading, the width/height of the columns/rows can be changed there as well. window.displayHeadings
Sheet tabs A.k.a rowkbook tabs window.displayWorkbookTabs and window.scrollWorkbookTabs()
Title bar At the top of the Excel window, displays the name of the workbook currently worked on.
Status bar
Grid, gridlines window.gridlineColor and .gridlineColorIndex
Quick access toolbar (?)
Popups and dialogs
Panes Panes such as the selection pane (which is opened using Home -> Editing -> Find & Select -> Selection Pane …) or the XML Source task pane.
Title bar window.caption
Outline symbols window.displayOutline
Ruler window.displayRuler

See also

Display* properties of the Application object.
Disable the right click on a sheet tab
