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struct boot_params

The struct boot_params is also referred to as zeropage.
The x86 boot code expects to be passed a struct boot_param.
This struct is either created by the boot loader or in efi_pe_entry.
screen_info struct screen_info 0x000
apm_bios_info struct apm_bios_info 0x040
_pad2[4] __u8 0x054
tboot_addr __u64 0x058
ist_info struct ist_info 0x060
acpi_rsdp_addr __u64 0x070
_pad3[8] __u8 0x078
hd0_info[16] __u8 0x080 Obsolete
hd1_info[16] __u8 0x090 Obsolete
sys_desc_table struct sys_desc_table 0x0a0 Obsolete
olpc_ofw_header struct olpc_ofw_header 0x0b0
ext_ramdisk_image __u32 0x0c0
ext_ramdisk_size __u32 0x0c4
ext_cmd_line_ptr __u32 0x0c8 Compare with hdr->setup_header->cmd_line_ptr and CONFIG_CMDLINE.
_pad4[112] __u8 0x0cc
cc_blob_address __u32 0x13c
edid_info struct edid_info 0x140
efi_info struct efi_info 0x1c0
alt_mem_k __u32 0x1e0
scratch __u32 0x1e4 Scratch field
e820_entries __u8 0x1e8
eddbuf_entries __u8 0x1e9
edd_mbr_sig_buf_entries __u8 0x1ea
kbd_status __u8 0x1eb
secure_boot __u8 0x1ec
_pad5[2] __u8 0x1ed
sentinel __u8 0x1ef Set to a nonzero value (0xff) in arch/x86/boot/header.S
_pad6[1] __u8 0x1f0
hdr struct setup_header 0x1f1 setup header, see global symbol hdr in arch/x86/boot/header.S.
_pad7[0x290-0x1f1-sizeof(struct setup_header)] __u8
edd_mbr_sig_buffer[EDD_MBR_SIG_MAX] __u32 0x290
e820_table[E820_MAX_ENTRIES_ZEROPAGE] struct boot_e820_entry 0x2d0
_pad8[48] __u8 0xcd0
edd_info[EDDMAXNR] struct edd_info 0xd00
_pad9[276] __u8 0xeec
A bootloader is supposed to only take setup_header and put it into a clean boot_params buffer. If it turns out that it is clumsy or too generous with the buffer, it most probably will pick up the sentinel variable too. The fact that this variable then is still 0xff will let kernel know that some variables in boot_params are invalid and kernel should zero out certain portions of boot_params.
Setting the config option DEBUG_BOOT_PARAMS causes the struct boot_param to be exported via debugfs.

struct setup_header

The value of the column rwm indicates if the value is read by the bootloader (r), written by the bootloader (w) or read and written (m = modified) by the bootloader.
Offset rwm Notes
setup_sects __u8 497 r Size of the setup in (512 byte) sectors. The real-mode code consists of the boot sector (512 bytes) plus the setup code. Filled by arch/x86/boot/tools/build.
root_flags __u16 498 m If set (!= 0), the root is mounted read only. This value corresponds to ROOT_RDONLY (default = 1). Using root_flags is deprecated in favor of the command line options ro or rw.
syssize __u32 500 r The size of the (protected mode (or 32-bit)) code in 16-byte paragraphs. Filled by arch/x86/boot/tools/build.
ram_size __u16 504 Obsolete? was used for bootsect.S (which seems to be deleted)
vid_mode __u16 506 m Video mode control. Corresponds to value of SVGA_MODE
root_dev __u16 508 m Default root device number. Filled by arch/x86/boot/tools/build. Using root_dev is deprecated in favor of using the root= command line option.
boot_flag __u16 510 r 0xAA55 (magic number for the final two bytes of the first sector of an MBR).
jump __u16 512 r Machine code jump instruction: 0xeb followed by start_of_setup - 1f (i. e. a signed offset relative to byte 0x202 = 514). This jump seems to be aligned with the _start symbol in the object file? This value can be used to determine the size of the header. This jump instruction limits the maximum size of setup_header to 144 bytes (as of Linux version 6.6, the size is 123 bytes).
header __u32 514 r Magic string HDrS (0x53726448)
version __u16 518 r The header/boot protocol version number (for example 0x020f for 2.15).
realmode_swtch __u32 520 m Boot loader hook (0x00000000?)
start_sys_seg __u16 524 r The had-low segment, corresponding to the valueSYSSEG (= 0x1000 which is the historical load address >> 4). (Obsolete and even meaningless).
kernel_version __u16 526 r Pointer to the kernel version string above the section of header (or so). Value possibly is kernel_version-512.
type_of_loader __u8 528 w Identification of boot loader. 0 = ancient bootloader. Newer bootloaders know to change this. See Documentation/arch/x86/boot/rst. (7 is GRUB)
loadflags __u8 529 m Boot protocol option flags (bitmap).
setup_move_size __u16 530 m 0x8000 size to move, when setup is not loaded at 0x90000. We will move setup to 0x90000 then just before jumping into the kernel. However, only the loader knows how much data behind us also needs to be loaded.
code32_start __u32 532 m Boot loader hook: the address to mump to in protected mode. Default for big kernel: 0x100000. Loaders can put a different start address for 32-bit code here.
ramdisk_image __u32 536 w Linear address of the loaded ramdisk (initrd) image. The loader puts this address.
ramdisk_size __u32 540 w Size of the initial ramdisk (initrd)
bootsect_kludge __u32 544 Obsolete. Was used for bootsect.S (which seems to be deleted).
heap_end_ptr __u16 548 w Free memory after setup end. _end+STACK_SIZE-512
ext_loader_ver __u8 550 w 0. Extended boot loader version
ext_loader_type __u8 551 w 0. Extended boot loader type (ID).
cmd_line_ptr __u32 552 w 32-bit pointer to kernel command line. Compare with ext_cmd_line_ptr (struct boot_params) and CONFIG_CMDLINE. In header version 0x0202 or later: If nonzero, this value is a pointer to the kernel command line. This command line should be located between the start of setup and the end of low memory (0xA0000). Otherwise, it may get overwritten before it is readhj
initrd_addr_max __u32 556 r In header version 0x0203 or later: The highest safe («legal») address for the contents of an initrd. The current kernel allows up to 4 GB, but leave it at 2 GB to avoid possible bootloader bugs.
kernel_alignment __u32 560 m Value of CONFIG_PHYSICAL_ALIGN, the phyisical address alignment (if relocatable_kernel is set). This is reaquired for protected mode.
relocatable_kernel __u8 564 r 1 if CONFIG_RELOCTABLE is defined, 0 otherwise.
min_alignment __u8 565 r Value of MIN_KERNEL_ALIGN_LG2 (minimum alignment)
xloadflags __u16 566 r Boot protocol option flags
cmdline_size __u32 568 r Maximum length of the command line (COMMAND_LINE_SIZE - 1)
hardware_subarch __u32 572 w Hardware subarchitecture. For normal x86 PCs, the default is 0
hardware_subarch_data __u64 580 w 0. Subarchitecture specific data.
payload_offset __u32 584 r Offset of kernel payload, corresponds to value of ZO_input_data (defined in arch/x86/boot/zoffset.h)
payload_length __u32 588 r Length of kernel pyaload, corresponding to value of ZO_z_input_len (defined in arch/x86/boot/zoffset.h)
setup_data __u64 596 w (Physical) pointer to single linked list of setup_data
pref_address __u64 604 r The preferred loading address (value of LOAD_PHYSICAL_ADDR)
init_size __u32 608 r Required Kernel initialization size (aka «linear size») = Value of INIT_SIZE (which is set to the greater size of the uncompressed or compressed kernel).
handover_offset __u32 612 r Offset of handover entry point. Filled by arch/x86/boot/tools/build. With CONFIG_X86_64 and (the deprecated) CONFIG_EFI_HANDOVER_PROTOCOL, the value is efi64_stub_entry - 0x200, (yes, this is really how it is defined), otherwise, the value is efi32_stub_entry.
kernel_info_offset __u32 616 r Offset of the kernel_info. Filled by arch/x86/boot/tools/build
struct setup_header corresponds to the «global symbol» hdr in arch/x86/boot/header.S.

See also

