Search notes:

VAERS data


Flags are stored in the CSV as either a Y or an empty string.
Data type Notes
VAERS_ID number Primary key. Apparently, vaers IDs can be queried online: (for VAERS id 1235909).
RECVDATE date Receive date: The date the VAERS form information was received to VAERS's processing center.
STATE text Two letter abbreviation of state or territory (but also null-values). FR = Foreign.
AGE_YRS text The age (in years) at the time of vaccination.
CAGE_YR number
CAGE_MO number Values in CSV: .1, .2, .3.9, 1, null
SEX text 'U', 'F' or 'M'
RPT_DATE date The date the report was submitted to VAERS.
SYMPTOM_TEXT long text Write-up. Compare with SYMPTOMS.csv.
DIED flag Compare with RECOVD
DATEDIED date Date of death
L_THREAT flag Flag whether the event was life-threatening.
ER_VISIT flag ER visit. If value of ER_VISIT is Y, then ER_ED_VISIT not not set. If this is the only option checked, the report is not considered serious. (VAERS form 1 only).
HOSPITAL flag Wheather the patiant was hospitalized.
HOSPDAYS number Number of days spent in the hospital (if hospitalized).
X_STAY flag Prolongation of existing hospitallization
DISABLE flag Whether the patient was left disabled (Permanent disabilities?). Compare with RECOVD
RECOVD text 'N', 'Y', 'U', null; compare with DIED and DISABLE.
VAX_DATE date Date of vaccination.
ONSET_DATE date The date symptom onset.
NUMDAYS number Number of days between vaccination day and onset day
LAB_DATA long text Diagnostic lab data associated with the event.
V_ADMINBY text Type of facility where vaccine was administered 'SEN': Nursing home or senior living facility, 'SCH': School, 'WRK': Workplace clinic, 'MIL': Military, 'PUB': Public, 'PHM': Pharmacy, 'PVT': Private, 'UNK', 'OTH'
V_FUNDBY text Agency funding the vaccination (VAERS 1.0 only) ('MIL', 'OTH', 'PUB', 'PVT', 'UNK')
OTHER_MEDS text Other medications
CUR_ILL long text Illnesses at time of vaccination
HISTORY long text Preexisting Conditions
PRIOR_VAX text I cannot imagine that the values in this column can be somehow meaningfully analyzed.
SPLTTYPE text Manufacturer number or Immunization Project number as recorded on the specified field of the form. ¿ CDC Split Type: a field that holds arbitrary text, probably from other databases ?
FORM_VERS number Form version (1 or 2).
TODAYS_DATE date Date form was completed (¿ The date the report appeared in VAERS ?)
BIRTH_DEFECT flag Congenital anomaly or birth defect (VAERS form 2 only)
OFC_VISIT flag Whether the patient had a doctor's (or other health care provider's) office visit (VAERS form 2 only).
ER_ED_VISIT flag Emergency room/department or doctor visit (VAERS 2.0 only). If value of ER_ED_VISIT is Y, then ER_VISIT is not set.
ALLERGIES long text Allergies to medications, food, or other products. VAERS 2.0 only


VAX.csv contains remaining vaccine information:
VAERS_ID number Foreign key to DATA
VAX_TYPE text Administered vaccine type
VAX_MANU text The manufacturer of the vaccines given
VAX_LOT text The lot number of the vaccines given
VAX_DOSE_SERIES text The dose number of the vaccines given
VAX_ROUTE text The route of vaccines given. (UN: Unknown, ID: Intradermal, IM: Intramuscular, SC: Subcutaneous, IN: Intranasal, PO: Per Oral, SYR: Needle and syrenge (not specified further), JET: Needle free jet injector device, OT: Other
VAX_SITE text The anatomic site (on the body) where the vaccines were administered
VAX_NAME text The brand name of the vaccines given
VAX_DOSE was discontinued in VAERS 2 form.


SYMPTOMS.csv contains adverse event coded terms utilizing the MedDRA dictionary.
SYMPTOMS is a denormalized table.
There can be an unlimited amount of coded terms for a given event. Each row in the .csv will contain up to 5 MedDRA terms per VAERS ID; thus, there could be multiple rows per VAERS ID.
Terms are included in alphabetical order.
VAERS_ID number Foreign key to DATA
SYMPTOMVERSION1 text MedDRA dictionary version number

See also

