Search notes:

Graphviz attribute type: arrowType

The attribute type arrowType can be applied to the following attributes:
The following file needs to be preprocessed. With Microsoft's compiler, a png can be produced like so:
cl -E  arrowType.dot_ | dot -Tpng -o img\arrowType.png
#define CONCAT(a, b) a ## b

#define ARROW(nFrom, nTo, type) nFrom -> nTo [ arrowhead=type label=type]

#define ARROW_TYPE__(nFrom, nTo, type) ARROW(nFrom, nTo, type)
#define ARROW_TYPE_(cntFrom, cntTo, type) ARROW_TYPE__(CONCAT(n, cntFrom), CONCAT(n, cntTo), type)
#define ARROW_TYPE(type) ARROW_TYPE_(__COUNTER__, __COUNTER__, type)

#define ARROW_TYPE2__(nFrom, nMiddle, nEnd, type1, type2)  ARROW(nFrom, nMiddle, type1) ARROW(nMiddle, nEnd, type2)
#define ARROW_TYPE2_(cntFrom, cntMiddle, cntEnd, type1, type2) ARROW_TYPE2__(CONCAT(n, cntFrom), CONCAT(n, cntMiddle), CONCAT(n, cntEnd), type1, type2)
#define ARROW_TYPE2(type1, type2) ARROW_TYPE2_(__COUNTER__, __COUNTER__, __COUNTER__, type1, type2)

digraph X {

   rankdir = LR

   node [ shape=none label="" ]
   edge [ dir=forward ]

   ARROW_TYPE2(open   , halfopen)
   ARROW_TYPE2(box    , obox)
   ARROW_TYPE2(diamond, odiamond)
   ARROW_TYPE2(empty  ,  invempty)
   ARROW_TYPE2(odot   ,  invodot)
   ARROW_TYPE2(dot    ,  invdot )
   ARROW_TYPE2(normal , inv    )

Github repository about-Graphviz, path: /attributes/types/arrowType.dot_

See also

Graphviz: attribute types
