Search notes:

Programming for a web browser: Coordinates of the window, screen and Element object (etc)

The offsetWidth and offsetHeight properties of an element evaluate to the actual size, in pixels, that an element occupies on the screen.
An element's clientWidth and clientHeight return the size of the element excluding borders, margins and scrollbars (but including padding).
An element's scrollWidth and scrollHeight return the full size of an element.
This size might be larger than offsetWidth and offsetHeight because only part of the element might be visible (and scrolling is necessary to render other parts visible).
window.innerWidth and window.innerHeight return the size of the browser-window's viewport.
window.outerWidth and window.outerHeight return the size of the entire browser window, including menu, border etc.
window.scrollX and window.scrollY indicate the amount, in pixels, that the document is scrolled horizontally and vertically.
The size of the screen (monitor) can be determined with screen.width and screen.height.
However, a browser window might not be placed everywhere on the screen. The boundaries in which the browser window might be placed can be queried with screen.availWidth, screen.availHeight, screen.availLeft and screen.availTop


A page that tries to show these coordinates is here (source on github).
The screenshot looks like so:
