Search notes:

Browser Object Model: window.onerror

window.onerror can be assigned a (callback-) function that is invoked when an error occurs.
The function receives a message, an URL, line and column number and an error object.
The following HTML document attempts to demonstrate the usage of window.onerror. Whenever the assigned call back function is called, it creates a row in a <table> with the received parameters.
<!DOCTYPE html>

  <meta content="text/html;charset=utf-8" http-equiv="Content-Type">

  <style type='text/css'>

     thead tr
           { font-weight: bold}

     td    {vertical-align: top; padding: 4px}

     td:nth-child(3), /* Line Number */
     td:nth-child(4)  /* Col Number */
           { text-align: right;}

     tr    {border-bottom: 1px solid #444;}

     table {border: 1px solid #000; border-collapse: collapse}


  <script type='text/javascript'>

    window.onerror = function(msg, url, lineNr, colNr, err) {

      var tr     = document.createElement('tr');
      var td_msg = document.createElement('td');
      var td_url = document.createElement('td');
      var td_lnr = document.createElement('td');
      var td_cnr = document.createElement('td');
//    var td_err = document.createElement('td');

      td_msg.innerText = msg;
      td_url.innerText = url;
      td_lnr.innerText = lineNr;
      td_cnr.innerText = colNr;
//    td_err.innerText = err;

//    tr.appendChild(td_err);


      return true;


    function main() {

    function call_undefined_function() {

    // Calling an undefined function causes
    // a »Reference Error«:

    function cause_eval_error() {
       var v = eval('4 + 5');
       console.log('v = ' + v);

       var w = eval('4 +  ');                          // SyntaxError: expected expression, got end of script
       console.log('w = ' + w);

    function throw_an_error() {
       throw "up";

    function type_error() {
        var ary = new Array('foo', 'bar', 'baz');
        console.log('ary.length   = ' + ary.length  );
        console.log('ary.length() = ' + ary.length()); // TypeError: ary.length is not a function

<body onload='main()'>

  <a href='javascript:call_undefined_function();'>Call an undefined function</a><br>
  <a href='javascript:cause_eval_error();'       >Cause an eval error</a>       <br>
  <a href='javascript:throw_an_error();'         >Throw an error</a>            <br>
  <a href='javascript:type_error();'             >Type error</a>

  <table id='errors'>
<!--   <td>Error</td> -->


Github repository Browser-Object-Model, path: /window/onerror.html
This HTML document is online here.

Multiple arguments

Because of historical reasons, the window.onerror event is the only event to receive multiple arguments.


<!DOCTYPE html>
window.addEventListener("error", e => 
     const { message, filename, lineno, colno, error } = e;
     alert(`Error occurred: ${message}: ${error}\n${filename}\nLine:Col ${lineno}:${colno}\n\n`);


See also

The window object and the browser object model.
