Search notes:


The value of the property document.compatMode is dependent on the rendering mode of a web browser's layout engine. It is set to one of the following two values:
The following document reports compatMode to be CSS1Compat:
<!doctype html>

<p id='out'></p>
<a href='quirks.html'>Quirks mode</a>
<script> document.getElementById('out').innerText = 'document.compatMode = ' + document.compatMode; </script>
Github repository Browser-Object-Model, path: /document/compatMode/no-quirks.html
This document reports compatMode to be BackCompat:
<p id='out'></p>
<a href='no-quirks.html'>No-quirks mode</a>
<script> document.getElementById('out').innerText = 'document.compatMode = ' + document.compatMode; </script>
Github repository Browser-Object-Model, path: /document/compatMode/quirks.html

See also

The document object
