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HTML character entities

A HTML entity starts with an ampersand (&) and ends with a semicolon (;).
The portion between the ampersand is either a
In case of a code point, code point number follows a pound sign (#) which follows the ampersand:
For some code points, there is also a menmonic (such as &). With mnemonics, the ampersand is not followed by a pound sign.

&, < and >

Some characters in HTML have a special meaning and must be encoded to preserve their meaining, notably:
The < is represented (or encoded) into a &lt;, the > into a &gt; and the & into a &amp;.

Some interesting mnemonics

Some interesting entity mnemonics, imho, include:
&xuml; Umlaute (&auml = ä, etc)
&xgrave; Gravis
&xcirc; Circumflex
&xscr; Script
&xrc; Fractur, (&Sfr; = 𝔖, &zfr; = 𝔷)
&fracx; Fractionals (&frac34; = ¾, etc)
&xopf; Doubly lined(?)
&fracAB (A for example 2, B for example 3) Fractionals
&xcy; Cyrillic (&Lcy; = Л, &bcy;` = б, etc)
&rho; Greek, unline for cyrillic, the name of the letter is written out.
&shy; The soft hyphen: it inserts a hyphen and breaks the line, if necessary. See the <wbr> HTML element for a demonstration.
&nbsp; A non-breaking space. There is no mnemonic for a *non-breaking hyphen*; it can be inserted with &#8209; or &#x2011;.

See also

HTML entities (such as &amp, &eacute etc.).
Perl module HTML::Entities
Character Entity Reference Chart
The PHP function htmlspecialchars() returns the entity for a character.


Named character reference
