Search notes:

HTMLElement: inert

If an HTMLElement's inert attribute is set to true, the browser ignores user input for that element.
In the following example, the text This text becomes inert is not selectable:
<!DOCTYPE html>
  <meta content="text/html;charset=utf-8" http-equiv="Content-Type">

   * { font-family: sans-serif }

function main() {
   document.getElementById('two').inert = true;


<body onload='main()'>

   <div id='one'  >This is «normal» text.</div>
   <div id='two'  >This text becomes <i>inert</i>.</div>
   <div id='three'>This is normal text, again.</div>

Github repository about-HTML-DOM-API, path: /HTMLElement/inert.html

See also

The global HTML attribute inert.
