Search notes:

CSS: Experiment with the HTML and BODY tag

I was surprised that the <html> tag can be styled in with CSS, although all rendered content is placed as direct or indirect child of the <body> tag.
The following example tries to demonstrate two findings of the experiments I conducted with these two tags. The following is a simple HTML:
<!DOCTYPE html>
  <meta content="text/html;charset=utf-8" http-equiv="Content-Type">

  <title>The HTML and BODY Tag</title>

   <style type='text/css'>

    html {

        border          : red 2px solid;
        left            : 20px;
        top             : 10px;
        height          : 200px;
        position        : absolute;
        background-color: yellow;
        overflow        : auto;
    body {

        height          : 300px;
        overflow        : auto;
        border          : blue 4px dotted;
        background-color: lightgreen;




  <div>I am not in the body</div>


  <div>one      </div>
  <div>two      </div>
  <div>three    </div>
  <div>four     </div>
  <div>five     </div>
  <div>six      </div>
  <div>seven    </div>
  <div>eight    </div>
  <div>nine     </div>
  <div>ten      </div>
  <div>eleven   </div>
  <div>twelve   </div>
  <div>thirteen </div>
  <div>fourteen </div>
  <div>fiveteen </div>
  <div>sixteen  </div>
  <div>eigtheen </div>
  <div>nineteen </div>
  <div>twenty   </div>

Github repository about-CSS, path: /tags/html-and-body.html
In a browser, it might be rendared like so:
Two obersvetations are, imho, noteworthy. • Although the <html> tag is limited in size (height attribute and red border around the html area), the value of its background-color attribute controls the entire browser viewport. • Similarly, the scroll bars are not attached immeditatly to the right of the html area, but to the borders of the browser window.

See also

Root element/canvas: Styles for body with/without styles for html element
