Search notes:

VIM struct: wininfo_T

The wininfo_T struct stores information that pertains to a Window stored with a buffer.
Two types of info are kept for a buffer which are associated with a specific window:
The window-info is kept in a list at b_wininfo. It is kept in most-recently-used order.
typedef struct wininfo_S wininfo_T;

struct wininfo_S
    wininfo_T   *wi_next;       // next entry or NULL for last entry
    wininfo_T   *wi_prev;       // previous entry or NULL for first entry
    win_T       *wi_win;        // pointer to window that did set wi_fpos
    pos_T       wi_fpos;        // last cursor position in the file
    int         wi_optset;      // TRUE when wi_opt has useful values
    winopt_T    wi_opt;         // local window options
    int         wi_fold_manual; // copy of w_fold_manual
    garray_T    wi_folds;       // clone of w_folds
