Search notes:

VIM struct: window_S

window_S is the structure that contains all information that belongs to a window.
All row numbers are relative to the start of the window, except w_winrow.
typedef struct window_S win_T;

struct window_S
    int         w_id;               // unique window ID

    buf_T       *w_buffer;          // buffer we are a window into

    win_T       *w_prev;            // link to previous window
    win_T       *w_next;            // link to next window

#if defined(FEAT_SYN_HL) || defined(FEAT_SPELL)
    synblock_T  *w_s;               // for :ownsyntax

    int         w_closing;          // window is being closed, don't let
                                    // autocommands close it too.

    frame_T     *w_frame;           // frame containing this window

    pos_T       w_cursor;           // cursor position in buffer

    colnr_T     w_curswant;         // The column we'd like to be at.  This is
                                    // used to try to stay in the same column
                                    // for up/down cursor motions.

    int         w_set_curswant;     // If set, then update w_curswant the next
                                    // time through cursupdate() to the
                                    // current virtual column

#ifdef FEAT_SYN_HL
    linenr_T    w_last_cursorline;  // where last time 'cursorline' was drawn

     * the next seven are used to update the Visual highlighting
    char        w_old_visual_mode;  // last known VIsual_mode
    linenr_T    w_old_cursor_lnum;  // last known end of visual part
    colnr_T     w_old_cursor_fcol;  // first column for block visual part
    colnr_T     w_old_cursor_lcol;  // last column for block visual part
    linenr_T    w_old_visual_lnum;  // last known start of visual part
    colnr_T     w_old_visual_col;   // last known start of visual part
    colnr_T     w_old_curswant;     // last known value of Curswant

     * "w_topline", "w_leftcol" and "w_skipcol" specify the offsets for
     * displaying the buffer.
    linenr_T    w_topline;          // buffer line number of the line at the
                                    // top of the window
    char        w_topline_was_set;  // flag set to TRUE when topline is set,
                                    // e.g. by winrestview()
#ifdef FEAT_DIFF
    int         w_topfill;          // number of filler lines above w_topline
    int         w_old_topfill;      // w_topfill at last redraw
    int         w_botfill;          // TRUE when filler lines are actually
                                    // below w_topline (at end of file)
    int         w_old_botfill;      // w_botfill at last redraw
    colnr_T     w_leftcol;          // window column number of the left most
                                    // character in the window; used when
                                    // 'wrap' is off
    colnr_T     w_skipcol;          // starting column when a single line
                                    // doesn't fit in the window

     * Layout of the window in the screen.
     * May need to add "msg_scrolled" to "w_winrow" in rare situations.
    int         w_winrow;           // first row of window in screen
    int         w_height;           // number of rows in window, excluding
                                    // status/command/winbar line(s)
    int         w_status_height;    // number of status lines (0 or 1)
    int         w_wincol;           // Leftmost column of window in screen.
    int         w_width;            // Width of window, excluding separation.
    int         w_vsep_width;       // Number of separator columns (0 or 1).
    pos_save_T  w_save_cursor;      // backup of cursor pos and topline
    int         w_popup_flags;      // POPF_ values
    int         w_popup_handled;    // POPUP_HANDLE[0-9] flags
    char_u      *w_popup_title;
    poppos_T    w_popup_pos;
    int         w_popup_fixed;      // do not shift popup to fit on screen
    int         w_popup_prop_type;  // when not zero: textprop type ID
    win_T       *w_popup_prop_win;  // window to search for textprop
    int         w_popup_prop_id;    // when not zero: textprop ID
    int         w_zindex;
    int         w_minheight;        // "minheight" for popup window
    int         w_minwidth;         // "minwidth" for popup window
    int         w_maxheight;        // "maxheight" for popup window
    int         w_maxwidth;         // "maxwidth" for popup window
    int         w_wantline;         // "line" for popup window
    int         w_wantcol;          // "col" for popup window
    int         w_firstline;        // "firstline" for popup window
    int         w_want_scrollbar;   // when zero don't use a scrollbar
    int         w_has_scrollbar;    // 1 if scrollbar displayed, 0 otherwise
    char_u      *w_scrollbar_highlight; // "scrollbarhighlight"
    char_u      *w_thumb_highlight; // "thumbhighlight"
    int         w_popup_padding[4]; // popup padding top/right/bot/left
    int         w_popup_border[4];  // popup border top/right/bot/left
    char_u      *w_border_highlight[4];  // popup border highlight
    int         w_border_char[8];   // popup border characters

    int         w_popup_leftoff;    // columns left of the screen
    int         w_popup_rightoff;   // columns right of the screen
    varnumber_T w_popup_last_changedtick; // b:changedtick of popup buffer
                                          // when position was computed
    varnumber_T w_popup_prop_changedtick; // b:changedtick of buffer with
                                          // w_popup_prop_type when position
                                          // was computed
    int         w_popup_prop_topline; // w_topline of window with
                                      // w_popup_prop_type when position was
                                      // computed
    linenr_T    w_popup_last_curline; // last known w_cursor.lnum of window
                                      // with "cursorline" set
    callback_T  w_close_cb;         // popup close callback
    callback_T  w_filter_cb;        // popup filter callback
    int         w_filter_mode;      // mode when filter callback is used

    win_T       *w_popup_curwin;    // close popup if curwin differs
    linenr_T    w_popup_lnum;       // close popup if cursor not on this line
    colnr_T     w_popup_mincol;     // close popup if cursor before this col
    colnr_T     w_popup_maxcol;     // close popup if cursor after this col
    int         w_popup_mouse_row;  // close popup if mouse moves away
    int         w_popup_mouse_mincol;  // close popup if mouse moves away
    int         w_popup_mouse_maxcol;  // close popup if mouse moves away
    popclose_T  w_popup_close;      // allow closing the popup with the mouse

    list_T      *w_popup_mask;       // list of lists for "mask"
    char_u      *w_popup_mask_cells; // cached mask cells
    int         w_popup_mask_height; // height of w_popup_mask_cells
    int         w_popup_mask_width;  // width of w_popup_mask_cells
# if defined(FEAT_TIMERS)
    timer_T     *w_popup_timer;     // timer for closing popup window
# endif

     * === start of cached values ====
     * Recomputing is minimized by storing the result of computations.
     * Use functions in screen.c to check if they are valid and to update.
     * w_valid is a bitfield of flags, which indicate if specific values are
     * valid or need to be recomputed.  See screen.c for values.
    int         w_valid;
    pos_T       w_valid_cursor;     // last known position of w_cursor, used
                                    // to adjust w_valid
    colnr_T     w_valid_leftcol;    // last known w_leftcol

     * w_cline_height is the number of physical lines taken by the buffer line
     * that the cursor is on.  We use this to avoid extra calls to plines().
    int         w_cline_height;     // current size of cursor line
    int         w_cline_folded;     // cursor line is folded

    int         w_cline_row;        // starting row of the cursor line

    colnr_T     w_virtcol;          // column number of the cursor in the
                                    // buffer line, as opposed to the column
                                    // number we're at on the screen.  This
                                    // makes a difference on lines which span
                                    // more than one screen line or when
                                    // w_leftcol is non-zero

     * w_wrow and w_wcol specify the cursor position in the window.
     * This is related to positions in the window, not in the display or
     * buffer, thus w_wrow is relative to w_winrow.
    int         w_wrow, w_wcol;     // cursor position in window

    linenr_T    w_botline;          // number of the line below the bottom of
                                    // the window
    int         w_empty_rows;       // number of ~ rows in window
#ifdef FEAT_DIFF
    int         w_filler_rows;      // number of filler rows at the end of the
                                    // window

     * Info about the lines currently in the window is remembered to avoid
     * recomputing it every time.  The allocated size of w_lines[] is Rows.
     * Only the w_lines_valid entries are actually valid.
     * When the display is up-to-date w_lines[0].wl_lnum is equal to w_topline
     * and w_lines[w_lines_valid - 1].wl_lnum is equal to w_botline.
     * Between changing text and updating the display w_lines[] represents
     * what is currently displayed.  wl_valid is reset to indicated this.
     * This is used for efficient redrawing.
    int         w_lines_valid;      // number of valid entries
    wline_T     *w_lines;

    garray_T    w_folds;            // array of nested folds
    char        w_fold_manual;      // when TRUE: some folds are opened/closed
                                    // manually
    char        w_foldinvalid;      // when TRUE: folding needs to be
                                    // recomputed
    int         w_nrwidth;          // width of 'number' and 'relativenumber'
                                    // column being used

     * === end of cached values ===

    int         w_redr_type;        // type of redraw to be performed on win
    int         w_upd_rows;         // number of window lines to update when
                                    // w_redr_type is REDRAW_TOP
    linenr_T    w_redraw_top;       // when != 0: first line needing redraw
    linenr_T    w_redraw_bot;       // when != 0: last line needing redraw
    int         w_redr_status;      // if TRUE status line must be redrawn

    // remember what is shown in the ruler for this window (if 'ruler' set)
    pos_T       w_ru_cursor;        // cursor position shown in ruler
    colnr_T     w_ru_virtcol;       // virtcol shown in ruler
    linenr_T    w_ru_topline;       // topline shown in ruler
    linenr_T    w_ru_line_count;    // line count used for ruler
# ifdef FEAT_DIFF
    int         w_ru_topfill;       // topfill shown in ruler
# endif
    char        w_ru_empty;         // TRUE if ruler shows 0-1 (empty line)

    int         w_alt_fnum;         // alternate file (for # and CTRL-^)

    alist_T     *w_alist;           // pointer to arglist for this window
    int         w_arg_idx;          // current index in argument list (can be
                                    // out of range!)
    int         w_arg_idx_invalid;  // editing another file than w_arg_idx

    char_u      *w_localdir;        // absolute path of local directory or
                                    // NULL
#ifdef FEAT_MENU
    vimmenu_T   *w_winbar;          // The root of the WinBar menu hierarchy.
    winbar_item_T *w_winbar_items;  // list of items in the WinBar
    int         w_winbar_height;    // 1 if there is a window toolbar

     * Options local to a window.
     * They are local because they influence the layout of the window or
     * depend on the window layout.
     * There are two values: w_onebuf_opt is local to the buffer currently in
     * this window, w_allbuf_opt is for all buffers in this window.
    winopt_T    w_onebuf_opt;
    winopt_T    w_allbuf_opt;

    // A few options have local flags for P_INSECURE.
    long_u      w_p_stl_flags;      // flags for 'statusline'
#ifdef FEAT_EVAL
    long_u      w_p_fde_flags;      // flags for 'foldexpr'
    long_u      w_p_fdt_flags;      // flags for 'foldtext'
#ifdef FEAT_SYN_HL
    int         *w_p_cc_cols;       // array of columns to highlight or NULL
    char_u      w_p_culopt_flags;   // flags for cursorline highlighting
    int         w_p_brimin;         // minimum width for breakindent
    int         w_p_brishift;       // additional shift for breakindent
    int         w_p_brisbr;         // sbr in 'briopt'
    long        w_p_siso;           // 'sidescrolloff' local value
    long        w_p_so;             // 'scrolloff' local value

    // transform a pointer to a "onebuf" option into a "allbuf" option
#define GLOBAL_WO(p)    ((char *)p + sizeof(winopt_T))

    long        w_scbind_pos;

#ifdef FEAT_EVAL
    dictitem_T  w_winvar;       // variable for "w:" Dictionary
    dict_T      *w_vars;        // internal variables, local to window

     * The w_prev_pcmark field is used to check whether we really did jump to
     * a new line after setting the w_pcmark.  If not, then we revert to
     * using the previous w_pcmark.
    pos_T       w_pcmark;       // previous context mark
    pos_T       w_prev_pcmark;  // previous w_pcmark

     * the jumplist contains old cursor positions
    xfmark_T    w_jumplist[JUMPLISTSIZE];
    int         w_jumplistlen;          // number of active entries
    int         w_jumplistidx;          // current position

    int         w_changelistidx;        // current position in b_changelist

    matchitem_T *w_match_head;          // head of match list
    int         w_next_match_id;        // next match ID

     * the tagstack grows from 0 upwards:
     * entry 0: older
     * entry 1: newer
     * entry 2: newest
    taggy_T     w_tagstack[TAGSTACKSIZE];   // the tag stack
    int         w_tagstackidx;              // idx just below active entry
    int         w_tagstacklen;              // number of tags on stack

     * w_fraction is the fractional row of the cursor within the window, from
     * 0 at the top row to FRACTION_MULT at the last row.
     * w_prev_fraction_row was the actual cursor row when w_fraction was last
     * calculated.
    int         w_fraction;
    int         w_prev_fraction_row;

#ifdef FEAT_GUI
    scrollbar_T w_scrollbars[2];        // vert. Scrollbars for this window
    linenr_T    w_nrwidth_line_count;   // line count when ml_nrwidth_width
                                        // was computed.
    long        w_nuw_cached;           // 'numberwidth' option cached
    int         w_nrwidth_width;        // nr of chars to print line count.

    qf_info_T   *w_llist;               // Location list for this window
     * Location list reference used in the location list window.
     * In a non-location list window, w_llist_ref is NULL.
    qf_info_T   *w_llist_ref;

    void        *w_mzscheme_ref;        // The MzScheme value for this window

#ifdef FEAT_PERL
    void        *w_perl_private;

    void        *w_python_ref;          // The Python value for this window

    void        *w_python3_ref;         // The Python value for this window

#ifdef FEAT_TCL
    void        *w_tcl_ref;

#ifdef FEAT_RUBY
    void        *w_ruby_ref;
