Search notes:

VIM struct: typebuf_T

The typebuf_T struct is used for the typeahead buffer.
An «instance» of typebuf_T is stored in the global variable typebuf (declared in globals.h).
A static array of typebuf_T is found in getchar.c:
static typebuf_T saved_typebuf[NSCRIPT];
The head of the buffer may contain the result of mappings, abbreviations and @a commands. The length of this part is typebuf.tb_maplen.
typedef struct
    char_u     *tb_buf;         // buffer for typed characters (that are not consumed yet?)
                                //    tb_buf has three parts:
                                //      - room in front (for result of mappings)
                                //      - the middle for typeahead and
                                //      - room for new characters (which needs to be 3 * (MAXMAPLEN+4)) for the Amiga
    char_u     *tb_noremap;     // mapping flags for characters in tb_buf[]
    int         tb_buflen;      // size of tb_buf[]
    int         tb_off;         // current position in tb_buf[] (the first valid character)0
    int         tb_len;         // number of valid bytes in tb_buf[] 
                                //(typebuf.tb_buf[typebuf.tb_off + typebuf.tb_len - 1] is the last valid char,
                                // typebuf.tb_buf[typebuf.tb_off + typebuf.tb_len] must be NUL)
    int         tb_maplen;      // nr of mapped bytes in tb_buf[]
    int         tb_silent;      // nr of silently mapped bytes in tb_buf[] (The part where <silent> applies)
    int         tb_no_abbr_cnt; // nr of bytes without abbrev. in tb_buf[]
    int         tb_change_cnt;  // nr of time tb_buf was changed; never zero
} typebuf_T;

See also

The function typebuf_init() in getchar.c.
