Search notes:

VIM struct: mparm_T

mparm_T is a struct for various parameters passed between main() and other functions.
typedef struct
    int         argc;
    char        **argv;

    char_u      *fname;                 // first file to edit

    int         evim_mode;              // started as "evim"
    char_u      *use_vimrc;             // vimrc from -u argument
    int         clean;                  // --clean argument

    int         n_commands;                  // no. of commands from + or -c
    char_u      *commands[MAX_ARG_CMDS];     // commands from + or -c arg.
    char_u      cmds_tofree[MAX_ARG_CMDS];   // commands that need free()
    int         n_pre_commands;              // no. of commands from --cmd
    char_u      *pre_commands[MAX_ARG_CMDS]; // commands from --cmd argument

    int         edit_type;              // type of editing to do
    char_u      *tagname;               // tag from -t argument
    char_u      *use_ef;                // 'errorfile' from -q argument

    int         want_full_screen;
    int         not_a_term;             // no warning for missing term?
    int         tty_fail;               // exit if not a tty
    char_u      *term;                  // specified terminal name
    int         ask_for_key;            // -x argument
    int         no_swap_file;           // "-n" argument used
#ifdef FEAT_EVAL
    int         use_debug_break_level;
    int         window_count;           // number of windows to use
    int         window_layout;          // 0, WIN_HOR, WIN_VER or WIN_TABS

    int         serverArg;              // TRUE when argument for a server
    char_u      *serverName_arg;        // cmdline arg for server name
    char_u      *serverStr;             // remote server command
    char_u      *serverStrEnc;          // encoding of serverStr
    char_u      *servername;            // allocated name for our server
#if !defined(UNIX)
    int         literal;                // don't expand file names
#ifdef MSWIN
    int         full_path;              // file name argument was full path
#ifdef FEAT_DIFF
    int         diff_mode;              // start with 'diff' set
} mparm_T;
