Search notes:

VIM struct: match_T

match_T is used for highlighting:
:match and match functions defined a different pattern for each window.
typedef struct
    regmmatch_T rm;         // points to the regexp program; contains last
                            // found match (may continue in next line)
    buf_T       *buf;       // the buffer to search for a match
    linenr_T    lnum;       // the line to search for a match
    int         attr;       // attributes to be used for a match
    int         attr_cur;   // attributes currently active in win_line()
    linenr_T    first_lnum; // first lnum to search for multi-line pat
    colnr_T     startcol;   // in win_line() points to char where HL starts
    colnr_T     endcol;     // in win_line() points to char where HL ends
    int         is_addpos;  // position specified directly by
                            // matchaddpos(). TRUE/FALSE
    proftime_T  tm;         // for a time limit
} match_T;

See also

The global variable screen_search_hl (globals.h)
