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vim - src/ex_docmd.c

ex_docmd.c contains functions for executing an ex command or ex command line.


do_cmdline_cmd() executes a simple command and is used for translated commands like *.


do_cmdline() executes one Ex command line.
This function can be called recursively.
See also the source_cookie struct.


find_command(exarg_T *eap … )

find_command tries to «locate» an Ex command (built-in or user defined) by its name.
eap->cmd points to the start of the command.
The function sets eap->cmdidx
Returns a char_u* that points after the command name, or NULL if command was ambigous.
For example, if called with set nocompatible, it will return a pointer to nocompatible.
Exceptions are if the command starts with
The function also checks if the command table needs to be updated. If this is the case, it throws the error E943. (See create_cmdidxs.vim and ex_cmdidxs.h)
Compare with findoption().


ex_ni is called for ex-commands that are not implemented.
They're probably not implemented because they require a FEAT_* with which the sources were not compiled (for example in something like to following code snippet):
# define ex_hardcopy	ex_ni

See also

ex_cmds.h and ex_cmds.c
