Search notes:

VIM struct: AutoPatCmd

AutoPatCmd is a struct that keeps status while autocommands are executed for an event.
typedef struct AutoPatCmd_S AutoPatCmd; // this typedef is in structs.h
struct AutoPatCmd_S
    AutoPat    *curpat;         // next AutoPat to examine
    AutoCmd    *nextcmd;        // next AutoCmd to execute
    int         group;          // group being used
    char_u     *fname;          // fname to match with
    char_u     *sfname;         // sfname to match with
    char_u     *tail;           // tail of fname
    event_T     event;          // current event
    int         arg_bufnr;      // Initially equal to <abuf>, set to zero when
                                // buf is deleted.
    AutoPatCmd *next;           // chain of active apc-s for auto-invalidation

See also

active_apc_list is a pointer to an AutoPatCmd and stores a stack of active autocommands.
