Search notes:

Conque Shell - Run interactive commands inside a Vim buffer


:ConqueTerm shell-command
:ConqueTermSplit …
:ConqueTermVSplit …


g:ConqueTerm_ExecFileKey: key to execute the current file in a split window. Default: <F11>
g:ConqueTerm_SendFileKey: key to send current file contents to conque. Default: <F10>
g:ConqueTerm_SendVisKey: key to send selected text to conque. Default: <F9>
g:ConqueTerm_ToggleKey: key to toggle terminal key mappings. Default: <F8>
g:ConqueTerm_Color: Control colors. 0: no colors except syntax highlighting, 1: limited terminal colors (past color history will be cleared). 2: all terminal colors
g:ConqueTerm_ColorMode: Windows only
g:ConqueTerm_TERM: TERM environment. Default: vt100.
g:ConqueTerm_Syntax: syntax for your buffer. Default: conque_term.
g:ConqueTerm_ReadUnfocused: Keep updating the shell window after having switched to another buffer? Default: 0.
g:ConqueTerm_PromptRegex: regular expression to highlight prompt. Default: ^\w\+@[0-9A-Za-z_.-]\+:[0-9A-Za-z_./\~,:-]\+\$.
g:ConqueTerm_PyVersion: Python version that is tried to load first. 2, 3 or 0 (no preference).
g:ConqueTerm_CloseOnEnd: Close buffer when program exits?
g:ConqueTerm_SendFunctionKeys: Send function key presses to terminal?
g:ConqueTerm_SessionSupport: Vim session support?
g:ConqueTerm_StartMessages: unused for now.
g:ConqueTerm_CodePage: Used in Windows only.
g:ConqueTerm_InsertCharPre: beta feature.
