Search notes:

Git option: credential.helper

Git distinguishes three types of values for credential.helper:
It starts with a ! The value after the ! is considered to be a shell snippet
It is an absolute path The value is considered to be a (binary?) executable or a shell script /home/rene/
Else The value is prepended with git-credential- and then becomes the command Some values I've encountered include store, cache, cache--daemon and manager-core (and the respective commands and executables are git-credential-store etc.)


C:\> git config credential.helper

C:\> "C:\Program Files\Git\mingw64\bin\git-credential-manager-core.exe" -h


  git-credential-manager-core [options] [command]

  --version       Show version information
  -?, -h, --help  Show help and usage information

  get          [Git] Return a stored credential
  store        [Git] Store a credential
  erase        [Git] Erase a stored credential
  configure    Configure Git Credential Manager as the Git credential helper
  unconfigure  Unconfigure Git Credential Manager as the Git credential helper
  diagnose     Run diagnostics and gather logs to diagnose problems with Git Credential Manager
  azure-repos  Commands for interacting with the Azure Repos host provider
