Search notes:

github Web API: v3 / REST

Upload file

Sometimes, I just want to upload a file to a given github repository without cloning the repository, changing the file, commiting the changes and the pushing the new commit.
With github's web API, this is possible with the following PowerShell function:
#   Assign 'continue' to preference variable $verbosePreference
#   for verbose output.

set-strictMode -version 2

function upload-file-to-github-repo($localPath, $localFilename, $repoPath, $repoFilename, $repoName, $repoOwner, $message, $token) {
   #   Note:
   #     $repoPath must (currently) not start with a slash. 

   #      File content must be represented in base 64

   $localFileAbsolutePath = resolve-path "$localPath/$localFilename"

   if (! (test-path $localFileAbsolutePath)) {
      "$localFileAbsolutePath does not exist"

   $base64 = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String([System.IO.File]::ReadAllBytes($localFileAbsolutePath))

   $url = "$repoOwner/$repoName/contents/$repoPath/$repoFilename"

   try {

    #     TODO: PowerShell 7 introduces option -skipHTTPErrorCheck
    #           This option should probably be used in order to have
    #           see what HTTP status code was returned.

    # github API token is required for private repositories

      $response = invoke-restMethod                      `
         $url                                            `
        -headers @{Authorization = "bearer $token"}

   catch [System.Net.WebException] {
     #  I am too lazy to evaluate the details and just assume
     #  that this is a 404. So the resource needs to be created
        write-verbose 'Resource probably does not exist. Trying to create it'

        $body = '{{"message": "{0}", "content": "{1}" }}' -f $message, $base64

     #  TODO: of course, if the url $url does not exist on the webserver,
     #  the following invocation fails.
        $response = invoke-webrequest $url                                               `
          -method          PUT                                                           `
          -contentType     application/json                                              `
          -headers       @{Authorization = "bearer $token"}                              `
          -body            $body

      # expected: 201 Created
        write-verbose "$($response.StatusCode) $($response.StatusDescription)"
   write-verbose "file seems to exit, updating it"
   $sha = $response.sha
   write-verbose "SHA = $sha"

   $body = '{{"message": "{0}", "content": "{1}", "sha": "{2}" }}' -f $message, $base64, $sha

   $response = invoke-webrequest $url                                               `
     -method          PUT                                                           `
     -contentType     application/json                                              `
     -headers       @{Authorization = "bearer $token"}                              `
     -body            $body
Github repository github-web-API, path: /v3-REST/upload-file.ps1

See also

Web APIs


PowerShellForGitHub is a PowerShell module that provides command-line interaction and automation for the GitHub v3 API.
