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git remote

Manage a set of tracked repositories (so called remote repositories).
git remote allows to create, view and delete connections to other repositories.
Such a connection is a (usually easy-to-type) alias for a (usually harder-to-type) URL.
After configuring such aliases, they can be used in other git commands, notably in git pull and git push
git push <remote-name> <branch-name>
Cloning a repository automatically creates a remote named origin.
These aliases (referred to as remote entries) are stored in a repository's .git/config file.
git remote add    tq84Name https://…
git remote rename tq84Name tq84
git remote rm     tq84
The list of configured remotes can be displayed with
git remote
git remote -v
Show detailed information about a given remote:
git remote show origin

Display remote's URL

The URL of a remote (for example origin) can be displayed with
git remote get-url origin
This command is useful to determine from which URL a repository was originally cloned.
See also git URLs and the remote.origin.url git option.

See also

Sync forked github repository
The directory .git/refs/remotes
git commands, git ls-remote
