Search notes:

Script: notify_me_at.bat

notify_me_at.bat schedules a task that opens a message box (msg.exe) at the specified date in the future.
The date has to be entered in yyyy mm dd HH mi ss form. Note that these numbers must have two or four digits (by prepending them with 0, if necessary), otherwise, schtasks.exe throws the error Invalid Start Date (Date should be in "dd/mm/yyyy" format).
Note: The scheduled task is not run if running on a notebook on batteries!
C:\> notify_me_at 2021 02 19 09 17 some message
@echo off

rem Does not work if notebook is running on batteries!

set year=%1
set month=%2
set day=%3
set hour=%4
set minute=%5

set message=%hour%:%minute% - %*

set taskname=NotifyMeAt%year%%month%%day%%year%%hour%%minute%

rem  TODO
rem    The task removes itself after running once. Maybe, /Z could
rem    be used to delete the task after running once.
    @schtasks /create /SC once /ST %hour%:%minute%:00 /TN %taskname% /SD %day%/%month%/%year% /TR "cmd /c msg * %message% && schtasks /delete /tn %taskname% /f"
Github repository scripts-and-utilities, path: /notify_me_at.bat

See also

notif.ps1 is a similar script for PowerShell.
