Search notes:

Script: is a perl script that moves files from one directory to directories that contain the file's ctime in the path.
For example, if the file's mtime is August 28th, 2018, it places the file into a subdirectory named 08-28 which is underneath the directory 2018.
Directories are created as they are needed.
Currently, only files that have a '.jpg' or 'mp4' suffix are moved. This is because I need the script to undump the many photos of a camera's memory card.

use warnings;
use strict;

use Getopt::Long;
use File::Basename;
use File::Copy;

my $dry = 0;
GetOptions('dry' => \$dry);

if (@ARGV != 2) {
  exit -1;

my $in_dir  = shift;
my $out_dir = shift;

die "$in_dir is not a directory"  unless -d $in_dir;
die "$out_dir is not a directory" unless -d $out_dir;

for my $img_in_path (glob "$in_dir/*.jpg $in_dir/*.JPG $in_dir/*.mp4 $in_dir/*.MP4") {

  my $img_name = basename($img_in_path);
  $img_name =~ s/JPG$/jpg/;
  $img_name =~ s/MP4$/mp4/;
  printf "%-23s", $img_name;

  my ($atime, $mtime, $ctime) = (stat($img_in_path))[8, 9, 10];

# if ($mtime != $ctime) {
#   die "mtime (". localtime($mtime) . ") != ctime (" . localtime($ctime) . ")";
# }

  my ($year, $month, $day) = (localtime($mtime))[5, 4, 3];
  $year  += 1900;

  $month = sprintf("%02d", $month+1);
  $day   = sprintf("%02d", $day    );

  printf "   $year $month $day";

  unless (-d "$out_dir/$year") {
    print "  y";
    mkdir "$out_dir/$year" unless $dry;
  else {
    print "   ";

  unless (-d "$out_dir/$year/$month-$day") {
    print "  d";
    mkdir "$out_dir/$year/$month-$day" unless $dry;
  else {
    print "   ";

  if (-e "$out_dir/$year/$month-$day/$img_name") {
    print "  e";
  else {
     print "   ";
     if ($dry) {
       print "mv $img_in_path   $out_dir/$year/$month-$day/$img_name";
     else {
           move  $img_in_path, "$out_dir/$year/$month-$day/$img_name" or die "could not rename $img_in_path to $out_dir/$year/$month-$day/$img_name $!";


  print "\n";

sub usage {
  print " [-dry] in-dir  out-dir-root

Github repository scripts-and-utilities, path: /

See also

