Search notes:

Script: is the script I use to automatically pull or clone my github repositories when I use a new computer or a computer on which I haven't worked for time.

use warnings;
use strict;

use File::HomeDir;
use Getopt::Long;

my $match = '';

GetOptions( #_{
   'match=s'        => \   $match,
   'list-repos'     => \my $list_repos,
   'help'           => \my $help,
   'todo'           => \my $todo,
   'start-day'      => \my $start_day,
   'end-day'        => \my $end_day,
   'debug'          => \my $debug,
   'check-status'   => \my $check_status,
   'push'           => \my $push,
) or exit -1; #_}

if ($help) { #_{
} #_}

my $lib_dir    = "$ENV{github_top_root}lib";
my $about_dir  = "$ENV{github_top_root}about";
my $github_dir =  $ENV{github_root};

my $exact = '';
my $arg1  = '';
if (@ARGV == 1) { #_{

  if ($match) {

  elsif ($list_repos) {
     $arg1 = shift;
  else {
    $exact = shift @ARGV;
} #_}
elsif (@ARGV > 1) { #_{


} #_}

if (substr($exact, 0, 1) eq '/') {

  $match = substr($exact, 1);
  $exact = undef;


my %repos;

my $plsql_and_types   = 'Oracle-supplied-PL-SQL-Packages-and-Types';
my $sql_dev_decryptor = 'Oracle-SQL-developer-password-decryptor';

# $repos{'d3-threeD'     } = '';
$repos{''                                 } = {url => ''                               , dir => $lib_dir   }; #_{
$repos{'blob_wrapper-Oracle'                       } = {url => ''                     , dir => $lib_dir   };
$repos{'cs-AVI-Writer'                             } = {url => ''                           , dir => $lib_dir   };
$repos{'js-aspect-ratio'                           } = {url => ''                         , dir => $lib_dir   };
$repos{'js-keyboard-coordinates'                   } = {url => ''                 , dir => $lib_dir   };
$repos{'js-inkscape'                               } = {url => ''                             , dir => $lib_dir   };
$repos{'js-line-writer'                            } = {url => ''                          , dir => $lib_dir   };
$repos{'js-tablator'                               } = {url => ''                             , dir => $lib_dir   };
$repos{'js-vector-matrix'                          } = {url => ''                        , dir => $lib_dir   };
$repos{'Geo-Coordinates-Converter-LV03'            } = {url => ''          , dir => $lib_dir   };
$repos{'MS-Access-bootstrap'                       } = {url => ''                     , dir => $lib_dir   };
$repos{'notes2html'                                } = {url => ''                              , dir => $lib_dir   };
$repos{$plsql_and_types                            } = {url => "$plsql_and_types"                        , dir => $lib_dir   };
$repos{'perl-Bible-TextualCriticism-API-NTVMR'     } = {url => ''   , dir => $lib_dir   };
$repos{'perl-Csound'                               } = {url => ''                             , dir => $lib_dir   };
$repos{'perl-Geo-OSM-API'                          } = {url => ''                        , dir => $lib_dir   };
$repos{'perl-Geo-OSM-DBI'                          } = {url => ''                        , dir => $lib_dir   };
$repos{'perl-Geo-OSM-Primitive'                    } = {url => ''                  , dir => $lib_dir   };
$repos{'perl-Geo-OSM-Render'                       } = {url => ''                     , dir => $lib_dir   };
$repos{'perl-Git-Repository-Internal'              } = {url => ''            , dir => $lib_dir   };
$repos{'perl-GraphViz-Diagram-ClassDiagram'        } = {url => ''      , dir => $lib_dir   };
$repos{'perl-GraphViz-Diagram-GitRepository'       } = {url => ''     , dir => $lib_dir   };
$repos{'perl-GraphViz-Graph'                       } = {url => ''                     , dir => $lib_dir   };
$repos{'perl-Gravitation'                          } = {url => ''                        , dir => $lib_dir   };
$repos{'perl-Grid-Layout'                          } = {url => ''                        , dir => $lib_dir   };
$repos{'perl-tcp'                                  } = {url => ''                                , dir => $lib_dir   };
$repos{'perl-Win32-OLE'                            } = {url => ''                          , dir => $lib_dir   };
$repos{'python-CreateGridBasedSVG'                 } = {url => ''               , dir => $lib_dir   };
$repos{'runVBAFilesInOffice'                       } = {url => ''                     , dir => $lib_dir   };
$repos{'scripts'                                   } = {url => ''                   , dir => $lib_dir   };
$repos{'SendDirectoryWithMail'                     } = {url => ''                   , dir => $lib_dir   };
$repos{'Socket.cpp'                                } = {url => ''                              , dir => $lib_dir   };
$repos{'svg-in-html'                               } = {url => ''                             , dir => $lib_dir   };
$repos{'tq84-c-debug'                              } = {url => ''                            , dir => $lib_dir   };
$repos{'tq84-cpp-debug'                            } = {url => ''                          , dir => $lib_dir   };
$repos{'tq84-PerlModules'                          } = {url => ''                        , dir => $lib_dir   };
$repos{'Tree-Create-DepthFirst'                    } = {url => ''                  , dir => $lib_dir   };
$repos{'VBAModules'                                } = {url => ''                              , dir => $lib_dir   };
$repos{'WinAPI'                                    } = {url => ''                              , dir => $lib_dir   };
$repos{'winsqlite3.dll-4-VBA'                      } = {url => ''                    , dir => $lib_dir   };
$repos{'xlsx_writer-Oracle'                        } = {url => ''                      , dir => $lib_dir   };
$repos{'xml_writer-Oracle'                         } = {url => ''                       , dir => $lib_dir   }; #_}

#                                                    = {url => ''                     , dir               };
$repos{'Access'                                    } = {url => ''                            , dir => $about_dir }; #_{
$repos{'adodb'                                     } = {url => ''                             , dir => $about_dir };
$repos{'assembler'                                 } = {url => ''                         , dir => $about_dir };
$repos{'assembler-x86-x64'                         } = {url => ''                 , dir => $about_dir };
$repos{'AutoHotkey'                                } = {url => ''                        , dir => $about_dir };
$repos{'awk'                                       } = {url => ''                               , dir => $about_dir };
$repos{'Bash'                                      } = {url => ''                              , dir => $about_dir };
$repos{'boost'                                     } = {url => ''                             , dir => $about_dir };
$repos{'CGI'                                       } = {url => ''                               , dir => $about_dir };
$repos{'coffeescript'                              } = {url => ''                      , dir => $about_dir };
$repos{'c'                                         } = {url => ''                                 , dir => $about_dir };
$repos{'cl'                                        } = {url => ''                                , dir => $about_dir };
$repos{'COM'                                       } = {url => ''                               , dir => $about_dir };
$repos{'cpp'                                       } = {url => ''                               , dir => $about_dir };
$repos{'cpp-standard-library'                      } = {url => ''              , dir => $about_dir };
$repos{'css'                                       } = {url => ''                               , dir => $about_dir };
$repos{'cmd.exe'                                   } = {url => ''                           , dir => $about_dir };
$repos{'dat.GUI'                                   } = {url => ''                           , dir => $about_dir };
$repos{'DFS'                                       } = {url => ''                               , dir => $about_dir };
$repos{'Docker'                                    } = {url => ''                            , dir => $about_dir };
$repos{'Document-Object-Model'                     } = {url => ''             , dir => $about_dir };
$repos{'Doxygen'                                   } = {url => ''                           , dir => $about_dir };
$repos{'draw-io'                                   } = {url => ''                           , dir => $about_dir };
$repos{'d3.js'                                     } = {url => ''                             , dir => $about_dir };
$repos{'Excel'                                     } = {url => ''                             , dir => $about_dir };
$repos{'filesystems-and-partitions'                } = {url => ''        , dir => $about_dir };
$repos{'FinnOne'                                   } = {url => ''                       , dir => $about_dir };
$repos{'gcc'                                       } = {url => ''                               , dir => $about_dir };
$repos{'git'                                       } = {url => ''                               , dir => $about_dir };
$repos{'GMT'                                       } = {url => ''                               , dir => $about_dir };
$repos{'GNU-Binutils'                              } = {url => ''                      , dir => $about_dir };
$repos{'GNU-Build-System'                          } = {url => ''                  , dir => $about_dir };
$repos{'GoogleEarth'                               } = {url => ''                       , dir => $about_dir };
$repos{'Graphviz'                                  } = {url => ''                          , dir => $about_dir };
$repos{'groff'                                     } = {url => ''                             , dir => $about_dir };
$repos{'hadoop'                                    } = {url => ''                            , dir => $about_dir };
$repos{'html'                                      } = {url => ''                              , dir => $about_dir };
$repos{'html-canvas'                               } = {url => ''                       , dir => $about_dir };
$repos{'IEEE-754'                                  } = {url => ''                          , dir => $about_dir };
$repos{'impress.js'                                } = {url => ''                        , dir => $about_dir };
$repos{'indexed-DB'                                } = {url => ''                        , dir => $about_dir };
$repos{'Java'                                      } = {url => ''                              , dir => $about_dir };
$repos{'javascript'                                } = {url => ''                        , dir => $about_dir };
$repos{'jmpress.js'                                } = {url => ''                        , dir => $about_dir };
$repos{'jqGrid'                                    } = {url => ''                            , dir => $about_dir };
$repos{'jQuery'                                    } = {url => ''                            , dir => $about_dir };
$repos{'jQuery-UI'                                 } = {url => ''                         , dir => $about_dir };
$repos{'jrunscript'                                } = {url => ''                        , dir => $about_dir };
$repos{'libc'                                      } = {url => ''                              , dir => $about_dir };
$repos{'Linux'                                     } = {url => ''                             , dir => $about_dir };
$repos{'about-man-pages'                           } = {url => ''                         , dir => $about_dir }; # Compare with man-pages
$repos{'m4'                                        } = {url => ''                                , dir => $about_dir };
$repos{'node.js'                                   } = {url => ''                           , dir => $about_dir };
$repos{'Makefile'                                  } = {url => ''                          , dir => $about_dir };
$repos{'MapReduce'                                 } = {url => ''                         , dir => $about_dir };
$repos{'masm'                                      } = {url => ''                              , dir => $about_dir };
$repos{'Meson'                                     } = {url => ''                             , dir => $about_dir };
$repos{'MathJax'                                   } = {url => ''                           , dir => $about_dir };
$repos{'mshta'                                     } = {url => ''                             , dir => $about_dir };
$repos{'MS-Office-object-model'                    } = {url => ''            , dir => $about_dir };
$repos{'MSSQL'                                     } = {url => ''                             , dir => $about_dir };
$repos{'MySQL'                                     } = {url => ''                             , dir => $about_dir };
$repos{'Office-Open-XML'                           } = {url => ''                   , dir => $about_dir };
$repos{'Open-Street-Map'                           } = {url => ''                   , dir => $about_dir };
$repos{'perl'                                      } = {url => ''                              , dir => $about_dir };
$repos{'php'                                       } = {url => ''                               , dir => $about_dir };
$repos{'PostgreSQL'                                } = {url => ''                        , dir => $about_dir };
$repos{'powershell'                                } = {url => ''                        , dir => $about_dir };
$repos{'preprocessor'                              } = {url => ''                      , dir => $about_dir };
$repos{'Protocols'                                 } = {url => ''                         , dir => $about_dir };
$repos{'Pig'                                       } = {url => ''                               , dir => $about_dir };
$repos{'python'                                    } = {url => ''                            , dir => $about_dir };
$repos{''                                 } = {url => ''                         , dir => $about_dir };
$repos{'r'                                         } = {url => ''                                 , dir => $about_dir };
$repos{'SAS'                                       } = {url => ''                               , dir => $about_dir };
$repos{'sed'                                       } = {url => ''                               , dir => $about_dir };
$repos{'SpiderMonkey-shell'                        } = {url => ''                , dir => $about_dir };
$repos{'skychart'                                  } = {url => ''                          , dir => $about_dir };
$repos{'SQL'                                       } = {url => ''                               , dir => $about_dir };
$repos{'sqlite'                                    } = {url => ''                            , dir => $about_dir };
$repos{'sqlite-c-interface'                        } = {url => ''                , dir => $about_dir };
$repos{'Stellarium'                                } = {url => ''                        , dir => $about_dir };
$repos{'STL'                                       } = {url => ''                               , dir => $about_dir };
$repos{'Sysinternals'                              } = {url => ''                      , dir => $about_dir };
$repos{'svg'                                       } = {url => ''                               , dir => $about_dir };
$repos{'three.js'                                  } = {url => ''                          , dir => $about_dir };
$repos{'TopoJSON'                                  } = {url => ''                          , dir => $about_dir };
$repos{'Unicode'                                   } = {url => ''                           , dir => $about_dir };
$repos{'Valgrind'                                  } = {url => ''                          , dir => $about_dir };
$repos{'VBA'                                       } = {url => ''                               , dir => $about_dir };
$repos{'VBScript'                                  } = {url => ''                          , dir => $about_dir };
$repos{'about-vim'                                 } = {url => ''                               , dir => $about_dir }; # TODO: should that not be just the direcotry 'vim' instead of 'about-vim'?
$repos{'Visual-Studio'                             } = {url => ''                     , dir => $about_dir }; # TODO: should that not be just the direcotry 'vim' instead of 'about-vim'?
$repos{'Web-Extensions'                            } = {url => ''                    , dir => $about_dir };
$repos{'WebGL'                                     } = {url => ''                             , dir => $about_dir };
$repos{'Windows-Registry'                          } = {url => ''                  , dir => $about_dir };
$repos{'wsh'                                       } = {url => ''                               , dir => $about_dir }; #_}

$repos{'Algorithms'                                } = {url => ''                              , dir => $github_dir}; #_{
$repos{'Amdocs'                                    } = {url => ''                                  , dir => $github_dir};
$repos{'Apache-logfile'                            } = {url => ''                          , dir => $github_dir};
$repos{'Arch-Linux-UEFI-Installation'              } = {url => ''            , dir => $github_dir};
$repos{'Astronomie'                                } = {url => ''                              , dir => $github_dir};
$repos{'Ausfluege-Touren-etc'                      } = {url => ''                    , dir => $github_dir};
$repos{'Bibelhebraeisch-lernen'                    } = {url => ''                  , dir => $github_dir};
$repos{'Bibeluebersetzungen'                       } = {url => ''                     , dir => $github_dir};
$repos{'Bibelkommentare'                           } = {url => ''                         , dir => $github_dir};
$repos{'Bible-Text-Sources'                        } = {url => ''                      , dir => $github_dir};
$repos{'Bible-Textual-Criticism'                   } = {url => ''                 , dir => $github_dir};
$repos{'Biblisches'                                } = {url => ''                              , dir => $github_dir};
$repos{'bitcoin-notes'                             } = {url => ''                           , dir => $github_dir};
$repos{'browser-object-model'                      } = {url => ''                    , dir => $github_dir};
$repos{'Browser-Helper-Objects'                    } = {url => ''                  , dir => $github_dir};
$repos{'Chronologie'                               } = {url => ''                             , dir => $github_dir};
$repos{'Clarify'                                   } = {url => ''                                 , dir => $github_dir};
$repos{'Configure-Windows'                         } = {url => ''                       , dir => $github_dir};
$repos{'COM-in-plain-C'                            } = {url => ''                          , dir => $github_dir};
$repos{'compile-dll'                               } = {url => ''                             , dir => $github_dir};
$repos{'cpp-base64'                                } = {url => ''                              , dir => $github_dir};
$repos{'cpp-MSHTML'                                } = {url => ''                              , dir => $github_dir};
$repos{'cpp-webserver'                             } = {url => ''                           , dir => $github_dir};
$repos{'crawler'                                   } = {url => ''                                 , dir => $github_dir};
$repos{'Csound'                                    } = {url => ''                                  , dir => $github_dir};
$repos{''                     } = {url => ''                   , dir => $github_dir};
$repos{'data-stackexchange'                        } = {url => ''                      , dir => $github_dir};
$repos{'data-visualization'                        } = {url => ''                      , dir => $github_dir};
$repos{'development_misc'                          } = {url => ''                        , dir => $github_dir};
$repos{'Earthquakes'                               } = {url => ''                             , dir => $github_dir};
$repos{'EGG'                                       } = {url => ''        , dir => $github_dir};
$repos{'epson-inkjet-printer-escpr'                } = {url => ''              , dir => $github_dir};
$repos{'Fonts'                                     } = {url => ''                                   , dir => $github_dir};
$repos{'gcc-create-library'                        } = {url => ''                      , dir => $github_dir};
$repos{'Geschichte-der-Wissenschaft'               } = {url => ''             , dir => $github_dir};
$repos{'Global-Relief-Model'                       } = {url => ''                     , dir => $github_dir};
$repos{'git-internals'                             } = {url => ''                           , dir => $github_dir};
$repos{'Graphic-Design-Fonts'                      } = {url => ''                 , dir => $github_dir};
$repos{'Google-Suchbegriffe'                       } = {url => ''                     , dir => $github_dir};
$repos{'HTP-2018'                                  } = {url => ''                                , dir => $github_dir};
$repos{'Hydroplattentheorie'                       } = {url => ''                     , dir => $github_dir};
$repos{'JavaClasses'                               } = {url => ''                             , dir => $github_dir};
$repos{'kaggle'                                    } = {url => ''                                  , dir => $github_dir};
$repos{'Karten'                                    } = {url => ''                                  , dir => $github_dir};
$repos{'Kenan-Arbor'                               } = {url => ''                             , dir => $github_dir};
$repos{'HTML-Entities'                             } = {url => ''                           , dir => $github_dir};
$repos{'Linux-From-Scratch'                        } = {url => ''                      , dir => $github_dir};
$repos{'man-pages'                                 } = {url => ''                               , dir => $github_dir}; # Compare with about-man-pages
$repos{'Meta-Oracle'                               } = {url => ''                             , dir => $github_dir};
$repos{'MS-Dynamics-CRM-ODATA'                     } = {url => ''                   , dir => $github_dir};
$repos{'MS-Word'                                   } = {url => ''                                 , dir => $github_dir};
$repos{'.NET-API'                                  } = {url => ''                                , dir => $github_dir};
$repos{'netcat'                                    } = {url => ''                                  , dir => $github_dir};
$repos{'notes'                                     } = {url => ''                                   , dir => $github_dir};
$repos{'OCR-tests'                                 } = {url => ''                               , dir => $github_dir};
$repos{'Office'                                    } = {url => ''                                  , dir => $github_dir};
$repos{'OpenStreetMap'                             } = {url => ''                           , dir => $github_dir};
$repos{'open-data.Kanton-Zuerich'                  } = {url => ''                , dir => $github_dir};
$repos{'Oracle-notes'                              } = {url => ''                            , dir => $github_dir};
$repos{'oracle-patterns'                           } = {url => ''                         , dir => $github_dir};
$repos{'Oracle-Performance-Investigations'         } = {url => ''       , dir => $github_dir};
$repos{'oracle_scriptlets'                         } = {url => ''                       , dir => $github_dir};
$repos{'Oracle-SQL-clauses'                        } = {url => ''                      , dir => $github_dir};
$repos{'OracleTool'                                } = {url => ''                              , dir => $github_dir};
$repos{'Oracle-Privileges-etc'                     } = {url => ''                   , dir => $github_dir};
$repos{'Oracle-Tutorial'                           } = {url => ''                         , dir => $github_dir};
$repos{'Partition-tables-and-file-systems'         } = {url => ''       , dir => $github_dir};
$repos{'PostLinuxInstallation'                     } = {url => ''                   , dir => $github_dir};
$repos{'PerlModules'                               } = {url => ''                             , dir => $github_dir};
$repos{'perl-webserver'                            } = {url => ''                          , dir => $github_dir};
$repos{'printing'                                  } = {url => ''                                , dir => $github_dir};
$repos{''              } = {url => ''            , dir => $github_dir};
$repos{'RN'                                        } = {url => ''                                      , dir => $github_dir};
$repos{'sea-level'                                 } = {url => ''                               , dir => $github_dir};
$repos{'SDLC'                                      } = {url => ''                                    , dir => $github_dir};
$repos{'Skizzen'                                   } = {url => ''                                 , dir => $github_dir};
$repos{'shell-commands'                            } = {url => ''                          , dir => $github_dir};
$repos{'SQL-Server_AdventureWorks'                 } = {url => ''               , dir => $github_dir};
$repos{'stationary-background'                     } = {url => ''                   , dir => $github_dir};
$repos{'statistics'                                } = {url => ''                              , dir => $github_dir};
$repos{'Sprachen'                                  } = {url => ''                                , dir => $github_dir};
$repos{'SQL-Server-helpers'                        } = {url => ''                      , dir => $github_dir};
$repos{'swap-keys'                                 } = {url => ''                               , dir => $github_dir};
$repos{$sql_dev_decryptor                          } = {url => "$sql_dev_decryptor"                      , dir => $github_dir};
$repos{'Tetragrammaton'                            } = {url => ''                          , dir => $github_dir};
$repos{'tq84.css'                                  } = {url => ''                                , dir => $github_dir};
$repos{'Unicode-DB'                                } = {url => ''                              , dir => $github_dir};
$repos{'VBA-calls-DLL'                             } = {url => ''                           , dir => $github_dir};
$repos{'VBA-Task-Automator'                        } = {url => ''                      , dir => $github_dir};
$repos{'vim'                                       } = {url => ''                                     , dir => $github_dir};
$repos{'Vortraege'                                 } = {url => ''                               , dir => $github_dir};
$repos{'WebAutomation'                             } = {url => ''                           , dir => $github_dir};
$repos{'Windows-API'                               } = {url => ''                             , dir => $github_dir};
$repos{'WinAPI'                                    } = {url => ''                                  , dir => $github_dir};
$repos{'WinAPI-4-VBA'                              } = {url => ''                            , dir => $github_dir};
$repos{'Windows-development'                       } = {url => ''                     , dir => $github_dir};
$repos{'wfind'                                     } = {url => ''                                   , dir => $github_dir};
$repos{'word-db'                                   } = {url => ''                                 , dir => $github_dir};
$repos{''                              } = {url => ''                            , dir => $github_dir};
$repos{'Y-Combinator'                              } = {url => ''                            , dir => $github_dir};
$repos{'Zahlen'                                    } = {url => ''                                  , dir => $github_dir};
$repos{'Zefix'                                     } = {url => ''                                   , dir => $github_dir}; #_}

$repos{'.vim'                                      } = {url => ''                                    , dir =>'special .vim'};

mkdir $lib_dir    unless -d $lib_dir;
mkdir $about_dir  unless -d $about_dir;
mkdir $github_dir unless -d $github_dir;

for my $repo (keys %repos) { #_{ #_{

  my $repository_path = "$repos{$repo}{dir}/$repo";
  my $repo_parent     =  $repos{$repo}{dir};
  my $repo_directory  =  $repo;

  if ($repos{$repo}{dir} eq 'special .vim') { #_{
    $repo_parent     = File::HomeDir -> my_home;

    if ($^O eq 'MSWin32' or $^O eq 'MSWin64') {
      $repository_path = File::HomeDir -> my_home . '/vimfiles';
      $repo_directory  = 'vimfiles';
    else {
      $repository_path = File::HomeDir -> my_home . '/.vim';
      $repo_directory  = '.vim';
  } #_}

  if ($list_repos) { #_{

      if ($arg1 and $repo =~ /$arg1/i or !$arg1) {

        printf ("%-50s", $repo);

        printf "directory does not exist" unless -d $repository_path;
        print "\n";
  } #_}

  print "repo: $repo\n" if $debug;

  unless ($start_day or $end_day) { #_{
    if ($match and $repo !~ /$match/i) { #_{
    } #_}
    if ($exact and $repo ne $exact) { #_{
    } #_}
  } #_}

  if (-d $repository_path ) { #_{
     chdir "$repository_path";

     if ($push  or ( $end_day and is_daily_repo($repo))) {  #_{

       print "--push or (--end-day and is_daily_repo($repo))\n" if $debug;

       if ($^O eq 'MSWin32') {
         system "gitp.bat";
       else {
         system "";

     } #_}
     elsif ($end_day) {
        print "      skip, because --end_day\n" if $debug;
     elsif ($check_status) { #_{
        my @git_response = readpipe('git status -s');
#       @git_response = grep { !/^(# )?On branch (master|tq84)$/ } @git_response;
#       @git_response = grep { !/^Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin\/master'\.$/ } @git_response;
#       @git_response = grep { !/^Your branch is ahead of 'origin\/master' by \d+ commits?.$/ } @git_response;
#       @git_response = grep { !/^nothing to commit,? \(?working directory clean\)?$/ } @git_response;
#       @git_response = grep { !/^  \(use "git push" to publish your local commits\)$/ } @git_response;

        if (@git_response) {
          print "\n\n\n$repository_path\n";
          print "----------------------------\n";
          print map {"      $_"} @git_response;
     } #_}
     elsif (!$todo) { #_{
       if (($start_day and is_daily_repo($repo)) or !$start_day) { #_{
         print "\n\nRepo $repository_path exists, updating it\n";
         my $git_response = readpipe("git pull");
         print $git_response;
       } #_}
     } #_}
     else { #_{

       #  Is there something to be pushed?
       my $git_response = readpipe('git log @{u}..');
       if ($git_response) {
         print "\n\nRepo $repository_path should be pushed\n";
       #  New files or uncommited files
       my @git_response = readpipe('git status');
       if ($git_response[1] ne 'nothing to commit, working directory clean') {
         print "\n\nRepo $repository_path not clean [$git_response[1] ]\n";
     } #_}

  } #_}
  else { #_{

     if ($end_day) {

     die "cannot push $repo, directory does not exist!" if $push;

     next if $todo; # In todo-mode, do nothing if the repository does not exist
     next if $check_status;
     next if $start_day and !is_daily_repo($repo);

     chdir $repo_parent;

     my $command = "git clone $repos{$repo}{url} $repo_directory";

     print "\n\nRepo $repository_path does not exist, cloning it [$command]\n";

     my $git_response = readpipe($command);
     print $git_response;

  } #_}
} #_} #_}

sub usage { #_{
  print "\n";
  print " exact-expression\n";
  print " --match regular-expression\n";
  print " /regexp\n";
  print " --push repo\n";
  print " --start-day\n";
  print " --end-day\n";
  print " --list-repos   [regexp]\n";
  print " --check-status\n";
  print " --debug\n";
  print " --todo\n";
  print " --help\n";
  print "\n";
} #_}

sub is_daily_repo {
  my $repo = shift;

  return 1 if $repo eq 'Bibelkommentare';
  return 1 if $repo eq 'Bibeluebersetzungen';
  return 1 if $repo eq 'notes';

  return 0;
Github repository scripts-and-utilities, path: /

See also

