Search notes:


Switching document-tabs

ctrl + pageUp / ctrl + pageDown

Turning off line wrap

go to Menu view and untick word wrap.

Searching «wrap around»

ctrl+f, check wrap around (alt+p).

Spaces rather than tabs

Settings -> Preferences > Language -> Tab Setting: on the right side the check box Replace by space needs to be clicked.

Default file type

Settings -> Preferences -> (left side) New Document -> Default language -> for example: SQL

Font size

Settings -> Style Configurator -> Language: Global Styles, Style: Default Style, Font name: (for exmamle) Consolas, Font size (for example): 8


The editor has its own menu (aptly named Encoding) that is solely used to specify a document's encoding (such as UTF-8).

Auto Completion

Auto Completion is a feature that I thinks is rather useless. It can be turned off under Settings -> Preferences -> Auto Completion

See also

Text editors
