Search notes:

Static compilation of Zydis with gcc

In order to statically compile Zydis, the preprocessor macros ZYCORE_STATIC_DEFINE and ZYDIS_STATIC_DEFINE must be defined.


The following make file statically compiles and links a test program:

zydis-test.exe: test.o  Decoder.o DecoderData.o SharedData.o Register.o Formatter.o FormatterBase.o FormatterBuffer.o String.o Utils.o FormatterIntel.o FormatterATT.o Mnemonic.o
	gcc $^ -o zydis-test.exe

test.o: test.c
	gcc $(STATIC_EXPORT)  -Izydis/include -Izydis/dependencies/zycore/include -Izydis/msvc -c $<

Decoder.o: zydis/src/Decoder.c
	gcc $(STATIC_EXPORT)  -Izydis/include -Izydis/dependencies/zycore/include -Izydis/msvc -c $<

Utils.o: zydis/src/Utils.c
	gcc $(STATIC_EXPORT)  -Izydis/include -Izydis/dependencies/zycore/include -Izydis/msvc -c $<

DecoderData.o: zydis/src/DecoderData.c
	gcc $(STATIC_EXPORT)  -Izydis/include -Izydis/dependencies/zycore/include -Izydis/msvc -Izydis/src -c $<

SharedData.o: zydis/src/SharedData.c
	gcc $(STATIC_EXPORT)  -Izydis/include -Izydis/dependencies/zycore/include -Izydis/msvc -Izydis/src -c $<

Register.o: zydis/src/Register.c
	gcc $(STATIC_EXPORT)  -Izydis/include -Izydis/dependencies/zycore/include -Izydis/msvc -Izydis/src -c $<

Formatter.o: zydis/src/Formatter.c
	gcc $(STATIC_EXPORT)  -Izydis/include -Izydis/dependencies/zycore/include -Izydis/msvc -Izydis/src -c $<

FormatterBase.o: zydis/src/FormatterBase.c
	gcc $(STATIC_EXPORT)  -Izydis/include -Izydis/dependencies/zycore/include -Izydis/msvc -Izydis/src -c $<

FormatterBuffer.o: zydis/src/FormatterBuffer.c
	gcc $(STATIC_EXPORT)  -Izydis/include -Izydis/dependencies/zycore/include -Izydis/msvc -Izydis/src -c $<

String.o: zydis/src/String.c
	gcc $(STATIC_EXPORT)  -Izydis/include -Izydis/dependencies/zycore/include -Izydis/msvc -Izydis/src -c $<

FormatterIntel.o: zydis/src/FormatterIntel.c
	gcc $(STATIC_EXPORT)  -Izydis/include -Izydis/dependencies/zycore/include -Izydis/msvc -Izydis/src -c $<

FormatterATT.o: zydis/src/FormatterATT.c
	gcc $(STATIC_EXPORT)  -Izydis/include -Izydis/dependencies/zycore/include -Izydis/msvc -Izydis/src -c $<

Mnemonic.o: zydis/src/Mnemonic.c
	gcc $(STATIC_EXPORT)  -Izydis/include -Izydis/dependencies/zycore/include -Izydis/msvc -Izydis/src -c $<
Github repository Zydis-test, path: /Makefile


test.c is the test program to create an executable (which I took from Zydis' github respository («Quick Example»).
#include <stdio.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <Zydis/Zydis.h>

int main() {

    ZyanU8 binary[] = {
        0x51, 0x8D, 0x45, 0xFF, 0x50, 0xFF, 0x75, 0x0C, 0xFF, 0x75,
        0x08, 0xFF, 0x15, 0xA0, 0xA5, 0x48, 0x76, 0x85, 0xC0, 0x0F,
        0x88, 0xFC, 0xDA, 0x02, 0x00

    ZydisDecoder      decoder;
    ZydisDecoderInit(&decoder, ZYDIS_MACHINE_MODE_LONG_64, ZYDIS_ADDRESS_WIDTH_64);

 // Specify the dialect into which we want to disassemble the
 // binary (AT&T or Intel):
    ZydisFormatter      formatter;
    ZydisFormatterInit(&formatter, ZYDIS_FORMATTER_STYLE_INTEL);

 // Loop over the instructions in binary.
 // The runtime-address (instruction pointer) is chosen arbitrary here in order to better
 // visualize relative addressing
    ZyanU64 runtime_address = 0x007FFFFFFF400000;
    ZyanUSize       offset  = 0;
    const ZyanUSize length  = sizeof(binary);

    ZydisDecodedInstruction instruction;

    while (ZYAN_SUCCESS(ZydisDecoderDecodeBuffer(&decoder, binary + offset, length - offset, &instruction))) {
     // Print «address» of currently disassembled instruction:
        printf("%016" PRIX64 "  ", runtime_address);

     // Print the instruction in Intel dialect: 
        char buffer[256];
        ZydisFormatterFormatInstruction(&formatter, &instruction, buffer, sizeof(buffer), runtime_address);


        offset          += instruction.length;
        runtime_address += instruction.length;
Github repository Zydis-test, path: /test.c
