Search notes:

Test for function excelRangeToolTip of the VBA module ExcelSheet

The following VBA module tests the function excelRangeToolTip of the helper module ExcelRange.
option explicit

sub main() ' {

   cells(2,2) = "Foo" : excelRangeToolTip cells(2,3), "Lorem ipsum"           , "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,"
   cells(3,2) = "Bar" : excelRangeToolTip cells(3,3), "consectetur adipiscing", "elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua"
   cells(4,2) = "Baz" : excelRangeToolTip cells(4,3), "Ut enim"               , "ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat"

end sub ' }
Github repository VBAModules, path: /_test/Office/xls-rng-toolTip.vb
<script language="VBScript" src="../VBS-MS-Office-App-Creator/create-MS-Office-app.vbs" />
<script language="VBScript">

   option explicit

   dim app
   dim xls
   set xls = createOfficeApp("excel", currentDir() & "created.xlsm")
   if xls is nothing then ' {
      wscript.echo "Could not create excel worksheet."
      wscript.quit -1
   end if ' }

   set app = xls.application

   insertModule app, currentDir() & "../../Office/ExcelRange.vb"   , "ExcelRange"   , 1
'  insertModule app, currentDir() & "../../Office/ExcelHelpers.vb" , "ExcelHelpers" , 1
'  insertModule app, currentDir() & "../../Common/Collection.vb"   , "coll"         , 1
   insertModule app, currentDir() & "xls-rng-toolTip.vb"           , "func"         , 1 "main"

   wscript.echo "The end"

</script> </job>
Github repository VBAModules, path: /_test/Office/xls-rng-toolTip.wsf
