Search notes:

VBA Module ADOHelpers [Database]

'   vi: foldmethod=marker foldmarker={{{,}}}
'   Adding ADODB reference to VBA project:
'     ' Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects 2.8 Library
'       thisWorkbook.VBProject.references.addFromGuid guid := "{2A75196C-D9EB-4129-B803-931327F72D5C}", major := 0, minor := 0
'     ' Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects 6.1 Library
'       thisWorkbook.VBProject.references.addFromGuid guid := "{B691E011-1797-432E-907A-4D8C69339129}", major := 6, minor := 1

option explicit

' copyExcelSheetToNewAccessTable {{{
public sub copyExcelSheetToNewAccessTable( _
  excelFile     as string,                 _
  sheetName     as string,                 _
  accessFile    as string,                 _
  newTableName  as string)

' Compare ..\Access\CommonFunctionalityDB.bas -> importExcelDataIntoTable

  dim con as ADODB.connection

  set con = openADOConnectionToExcelFile(excelFile, false)

  con.execute("select * into [" & newTableName & "] in '" & accessFile & "' from [" & sheetName & "$]")

end sub ' }}}

' copyAccessTableToNewAccessTable {{{
public sub copyAccessTableToNewAccessTable ( _
  accessFileFrom     as string,              _
  tableNameFrom      as string,              _
  accessFileTo       as string,              _
  tableNameTo        as string)

' Compare ..\Access\CommonFunctionalityDB.bas -> importExcelDataIntoTable

  dim con as new ADODB.connection
  set con = openADOConnectionToAccess(accessFileFrom)

  con.execute("select * into [" & tableNameTo & "] in '" & accessFileTo & "' from [" & tableNameFrom & "]")

end sub ' }}}

' openADOConnectionToOracle {{{
public function openADOConnectionToOracle( _
   dbUser     as string, _
   dbPassword as string, _
   dbName     as string) as ADODB.connection

  on error GoTo error_handler

 ' Dim cn As ADODB.Connection
 ' set cn = New ADODB.Connection
   set openADOConnectionToOracle = new ADODB.connection ( _
     "User ID="     & dbUser     & _
    ";Password="    & dbPassword & _
    ";Data Source=" & dbName     & _

 ' set openADOConnectionToOracle = cn

  exit function

  if   err.number = -2147467259 Then
       msgBox ("Error opening connection to Oracle: " & err.description)
       msgBox (err.Number & " " & err.Description)
  end if

end function ' }}}

' openADOConnectionToSQLServer {{{
public function openADOConnectionToSQLServer( _
   dbInstance as string, _
   dbName     as string) as ADODB.connection

  on error GoTo error_handler

  set openADOConnectionToSQLServer = new ADODB.connection (        _
     "Provider=SQLOLEDB;"                  & _
     "Data Source="     & dbInstance & ";" & _
     "Initial Catalog=" & dbName     & ";" & _
     "Integrated Security=SSPI;")

  exit function

  if   err.number = -2147467259 Then
       msgBox ("Error opening connection to SQL Server: " & err.description)
       msgBox (err.Number & " " & err.Description)
  end if

end function ' }}}

public function openADOConnectionToAccess(accessFile as string) as ADODB.connection ' {{{

  set openADOConnectionToAccess = new ADODB.connection "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source='" & accessFile & "'"

end function ' }}}

public function openADOConnectionToExcelFile(excelFile as string, optional header as boolean = true) as ADODB.connection ' {{{

  set openADOConnectionToExcelFile = new ADODB.connection

  openADOConnectionToExcelFile.connectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source='" & excelFile & "'"

  if header then
     openADOConnectionToExcelFile.connectionString = openADOConnectionToExcelFile.connectionString & ";Extended Properties=""Excel 8.0;HDR=yes;IMEX=1;"""
     openADOConnectionToExcelFile.connectionString = openADOConnectionToExcelFile.connectionString & ";Extended Properties=""Excel 8.0;HDR=no;IMEX=1;"""
  end if

end function ' }}}

' ADODoesTableExist {{{
public function ADODoesTableExist( _
    con       as ADODB.connection, _
    tableName as string            _
  ) as boolean


  dim rsSchema As ADODB.recordset

  Set rsSchema = con.openSchema(adSchemaColumns, array(empty, empty, tableName, empty))

  if rsSchema.BOF And rsSchema.eof then
     ADODoesTableExist = false
     ADODoesTableExist = true
  end if

  set rsSchema = Nothing

end function ' }}}

public function ADOExecuteSQL(con as ADODB.connection, stmt as string) as long ' {{{
  on error goto nok

    call con.execute(stmt, ADOExecuteSQL)

    exit function


    call err.raise(1000 + vbObjectError, "ADOHelper.bas - ADOExecuteSQL",  err.description & " [" & err.number & "]"& vbCrLf & "stmt = " & stmt)

end function ' }}}

public function ADOSelect1R1C(con as ADODB.connection, stmt as string) as variant ' {{{

  dim rs as ADODB.recordset

  set rs = con.execute(stmt)

' if not rs.eof then
'    rs.moveNext
     ADOSelect1R1C = rs.fields(0).value
' end if


end function ' }}}

public function createSelectStatementFromFile(con as ADODB.connection, filename as string) as adoSelectStatement ' {{{

    dbg_.indent "adoHelpers.createSelectStatementFromFile, filename = " & filename

    set createSelectStatementFromFile = new adoSelectStatement
    call createSelectStatementFromFile.init(con)


end function ' }}}
Github repository VBAModules, path: /Database/ADOHelpers.bas

See also

VBA classes for ADO
René's VBA Modules
ActiveX Data Objects
