Search notes:

VBA Module CodeGeneration [Common]

'     CodeGeneration
'     Be sure to add "Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications Extensibility 5.3" under References

option explicit

sub emptyModuleCodeForForm(frm as form) ' {
    dim mdl as module
    set mdl = frm.module

    dim vbModule as vbComponent
    set vbModule = vbe.activeVBProject.vbComponents.item("Form_" &

    dim nofLines as long
    nofLines = vbModule.codeModule.countOfLines

    call vbModule.codeModule.deleteLines(3, nofLines-2)
end sub ' }

' { Functionalities for event handlers

'   Not all constrols support all events. Find a matrix for which
'   control supports which event here:

sub dynamicEventHandler(frm as Form, subSignatur as string, codeLine as string) ' {
  dim mdl as module
  set mdl = frm.module

  dim pos as long
  pos = mdl.countOfLines

  call mdl.insertLines(pos+1, "")
' call mdl.insertLines(pos+2, "sub " & subName)
  call mdl.insertLines(pos+2,  subSignatur)      ' for example: sub Foo_Click / sub Form_Open(cancel as integer) / etc
  call mdl.insertLines(pos+3, codeLine)

  pos = mdl.countOfLines
  call mdl.insertLines(pos+1, "end sub")    
end sub ' }

' sub dynamicEventHandlerForm(frm as form, codeLine as string, eventName as string) ' {
'   call dynamicEventHandler(frm, "Form_" & eventName, codeLine)
' end sub ' }

sub dynamicEventHandlerControl(frm as form, ctrl as control, codeLine as string, eventName as string, arguments as string) ' {
    call dynamicEventHandler(frm, "sub " & & "_" & eventName & "(" & arguments & ")", codeLine)
end sub ' }

sub onMouseDown(frm as form, ctrl as control, codeLine as string) ' {
    call dynamicEventHandlerControl(frm, ctrl, codeLine, "MouseDown", "button as integer, shift as integer, x as single, y as single")
end sub ' }

sub onClick(frm as form, ctrl as control, codeLine as string) ' {
    call dynamicEventHandlerControl(frm, ctrl, codeLine, "Click", "")
end sub ' }

sub onOpen(frm as form, codeLine as string) ' {
    call dynamicEventHandler(frm, "sub " & "form_open(cancel as integer)", codeLine)
end sub ' }

sub onLoad(frm as form, codeLine as string) ' {
'   call dynamicEventHandler(frm, "sub " & "form_load(cancel as integer)", codeLine)
    call dynamicEventHandler(frm, "sub " & "form_load()", codeLine)
end sub ' }

sub onBeforeInsert(frm as form, codeLine as string) ' {
    call dynamicEventHandler(frm, "sub " & "form_beforeInsert(cancel as integer)", codeLine)
end sub ' }

' }

sub addCodeLineToFormModule(frm as form, codeLine as string) ' {

  dim mdl as module
  set mdl = frm.module

  dim pos as long
  pos = mdl.countOfLines

  call mdl.insertLines(pos+1, codeLine)

end sub ' }

sub replaceModuleWithFile(moduleName as string, pathToFile as string) ' {

    dim mdl as module
    set mdl = VBE.activeVBProject.vbComponents(moduleName)

    if mdl not nothing then
       call VBE.activeVBProject.vbComponents.Remove (VBE.activeProject.vbComponents(moduleName))
    end if

    call loadMOduleFromFile(moduleName, pathToFile)

end sub ' }

sub loadMOduleFromFile(moduleName as string, pathToFile as string) ' {

    dim vbComp as vbComponent
    set vbComp = VBE.activeVBProject.vbComponents.import(pathToFile) = moduleName

end sub ' }
Github repository VBAModules, path: /Common/CodeGeneration.bas


This module should probably be merged into vbEditor.bas.

See also

René's VBA Modules
