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VBA Module CommonFunctionalityGUI [Access]

'    commonFunctionalityGUI
option explicit

sub stopFlashingWhileCreatingForm() ' {
    application.VBE.mainWindow.visible = false
end sub ' }

sub openFormDesignHidden(formName as string) ' {
    doCmd.openForm formName, acDesign, , , , acHidden
end sub ' }

sub openFormDesignNormal(formName as string) ' {
    doCmd.openForm formName, acDesign, , , , acNormal
end sub ' }

function doesFormExist(name as string) as boolean ' {

    dim i as long

    for i = 0 to currentDB().containers("Forms").documents.count - 1

        if currentDB().containers("Forms").documents(i).name = name then
           doesFormExist = true
           exit function
        end if

    next i

    doesFormExist = false
end function ' }

function isFormOpen(name as string) as boolean ' {

    dim r as long

    r = sysCmd(acSysCmdGetObjectState, acForm, name)

  ' r is one of:
  '                     0 The object is closed
  '    acObjStateOpen   1 The object is open
  '    acObjStateDirty  2 A change has been made, but unsaved
  '    acObjStateNew    4 The object is new

    if r = 0 then
       isFormOpen = false
       exit function
    end if

    isFormOpen = true

end function ' }

sub createForm_(name as string) ' {

    dim frm as form
    set frm = createForm

    dim name_orig as string: name_orig = acForm, name_orig
'   call closeForm(frm)
    doCmd.close acForm, name_orig, acSaveYes
    doCmd.rename name, acForm, name_orig

end sub ' }

function createFormAndOpenNormal(name as string) as form ' {

  call deleteForm          (name)
  call createForm_         (name)
  call openFormDesignNormal(name)

  set createFormAndOpenNormal = forms(name)

end function ' }

' sub renameForm(frm as form, newName as string) ' {
'     doCmd.rename newName, acForm,
' end sub ' }

sub deleteForm(name as string) ' {

    if not doesFormExist(name) then
       exit sub
    end if

    if isFormOpen(name) then
       call closeForm(name)
    end if

    doCmd.deleteObject acForm, name

end sub ' }

sub closeForm(name as string) ' {

     doCmd.close acForm, name, acSaveYes

end sub ' }

sub makeContinuous(frm as form) ' {
    frm.defaultView = 1
end sub ' }

public function hasHeader(frm as form) as boolean ' {
  dim dummy as boolean

  on error goto hasheader_error
  dummy = frm.Section(acHeader).Visible
  hasHeader = True

  exit function

  HasHeader = false ' error 2462
end function ' }

sub toggleHeaderAndFooter  ' {
'   It seems that this works on the currently opened form
'   and then only if is opened normally (acNormal), not
'   if it is opened with acHidden

end sub ' }

 ' createLabel {
function createLabel (                    _
            byVal formName as string    , _
            byVal section  as acSection , _
            byVal x_cm     as double    , _
            byVal y_cm     as double    , _
            byVal w_cm     as double    , _
            byVal h_cm     as double    , _
            byVal caption  as string    ) as access.label

    set createLabel = createControl(formName, acLabel, section, , , cm2pt(x_cm), cm2pt(y_cm), cm2pt(w_cm), cm2pt(h_cm))
    createLabel.caption = caption

end function ' }

 ' createButton {
function createButton (                   _
            byVal formName as string    , _
            byVal section  as acSection , _
            byVal x_cm     as double    , _
            byVal y_cm     as double    , _
            byVal w_cm     as double    , _
            byVal h_cm     as double    , _
            byVal caption  as string    ) as access.commandButton

    set createButton = createControl(formName, acCommandButton, section, , , cm2pt(x_cm), cm2pt(y_cm), cm2pt(w_cm), cm2pt(h_cm))
    createButton.caption = caption

end function ' }

 ' createTextBox {
function createTextBox (                     _
             byVal formName   as string    , _
             byVal section    as acSection , _
             byVal x_cm       as double    , _
             byVal y_cm       as double    , _
             byVal w_cm       as double    , _
             byVal h_cm       as double    , _
             byVal controlSrc as string )  as access.textBox

    set createTextBox = createControl(formName, acTextbox, section, , , cm2pt(x_cm), cm2pt(y_cm), cm2pt(w_cm), cm2pt(h_cm))
    createTextBox.controlSource = controlSrc

end function ' }

 ' createNavigationControl {
function createNavigationControl (    _
             formName   as string   , _
             x          as double   , _
             y          as double   , _
             w          as double   , _
             h          as double     _
            ) as access.navigationControl

    set createNavigationControl = createControl(formName, acNavigationControl, acDetail, , , x, y, w, h)

end function ' }

 ' createNavigationButton {
function createNavigationButton (              _
             formName   as string,             _
             navCtl     as navigationControl,  _
             capt       as string              _
            ) as access.navigationButton

    set createNavigationButton = createControl(formName, acNavigationButton, acDetail,, , 0, 0, 0, 0)
    createNavigationButton.caption = capt

end function ' }

' createTabCtrl {
function createTabCtrl (              _
             formName   as string   , _
             x          as long     , _
             y          as long     , _
             w          as long     , _
             h          as long       _
            ) as access.tabControl

    set createTabCtrl = createControl(formName, acTabCtl, acDetail, , , x, y, w, h)

end function ' }

 ' createImage {
function createImage (                         _
            byVal formName      as string    , _
            byVal section       as acSection , _
            byVal x_cm          as double    , _
            byVal y_cm          as double    , _
            byVal w_cm          as double    , _
            byVal h_cm          as double    , _
            byVal imageFileName as string    ) as access.image

    set createImage = createControl(formName, acImage, section, , , cm2pt(x_cm), cm2pt(y_cm), cm2pt(w_cm), cm2pt(h_cm))
    createImage.picture = imageFileName

end function ' }

 ' createImageNoStretch {
function createImageNoStretch (                _
            byVal formName      as string    , _
            byVal section       as acSection , _
            byVal x_cm          as double    , _
            byVal y_cm          as double    , _
            byVal imageFileName as string    ) as access.image

    set createImageNoStretch = createControl(formName, acImage, section, , , cm2pt(x_cm), cm2pt(y_cm) )
    createImageNoStretch.picture = imageFileName

end function ' }

sub conditionalFormattingEQStr(tb as textbox, str as string, bgColor as long, fgColor as long) ' {

    dim fc as formatCondition
    set fc = tb.formatConditions.add(acFieldValue, acEqual, """" & str & """")
    fc.backColor = bgColor
    fc.foreColor = fgColor

end sub ' }

sub conditionalFormattingExpr(tb as textBox, expr as string, bgColor as long, fgColor as long) ' {
    dim fc as formatCondition
    set fc = tb.formatConditions.add(acExpression, acEqual, expr)
    fc.backColor = bgColor
    fc.foreColor = fgColor
end sub ' }

sub removeAllControlsOnForm(f as form) ' {

    dim cnt as long

    cnt = f.controls.count

    dim ctrlNo as long

    for ctrlNo = cnt-1 to 0 step -1

        deleteControl, f.controls(ctrlNo).name

    next ctrlNo

end sub ' }

sub appIcon(pathToIcon as string) ' {

' setAppProperty defined in CommonFunctionalityApp.bas
  call appProperty("AppIcon", dbText, pathToIcon)

end sub ' }

sub startupForm(formName as string) ' {
  call appProperty("StartUpForm", dbText, formName)
end sub ' }

function cm2pt(byVal cm as double) as long ' {

    cm2pt = cm * 567.0

end function ' }

function pt2cm(byVal pt as long) as double ' {

    pt2cm = pt / 567.0

end function ' }

Github repository VBAModules, path: /Access/CommonFunctionalityGUI.bas

See also

René's VBA Modules
