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VBA: Calling a sub or function with or without parentheses

When calling a sub or a function in a VBA program, there are cases when parentheses are required and cases when they are not allowed and cases when either is fine.

Sub and function without assigning return value

The rules for parentheses are the same for functions and subs if the return value of a function is not assigned to a variable.
In this case, the following rules apply
No parameters 1 parameter 2 or more parameters
With call statement optional required required
Without call statement not allowed optional not allowed

Assigning return value of function

If the return value of a function is assigned to a function, the rules are the same as if using the call statement:
No parameters 1 parameter 2 or more parameters
optional required required

Basic test case

These rules can be verified with this simple VBA code snippet:
option explicit

sub s0() ' {
end sub ' }

sub s1(p1 as long) ' {
    debug.print("s1, p1 = " & p1)
end sub ' }

sub s2(p1 as long, p2 as long) ' {
    debug.print("s1, p1 = " & p1 & ", p2 = " & p2)
end sub ' }

function f0() as long' {
end function ' }

function f1(p1 as long) as long ' {
    debug.print("f1, p1 = " & p1)
end function ' }

function f2(p1 as long, p2 as long) as long ' {
    debug.print("f1, p1 = " & p1 & ", p2 = " & p2)
end function ' }

sub main() ' {

  '      s0()      ' Parantheses not allowed
    call s0
    call s0()

         s1 1
  ' call s1 1      ' Parantheses required
    call s1(1)

         s2 1, 2
  '      s2(1, 2)  ' Parantheses not allowed
  ' call s2 1, 2   ' Parantheses required
    call s2(1, 2)

  ' -------------------------------------------

  '      f0()      ' Parantheses not allowed
    call f0
    call f0()

         f1 1
  ' call f1 1      ' Parantheses required
    call f1(1)

         f2 1, 2
  '      f2(1, 2)  ' Parantheses not allowed
  ' call f2 1, 2   ' Parantheses required
    call f2(1, 2)

  ' -------------------------------------------

    dim r as long
    r =  f0
    r =  f0()      ' Parantheses allowed (as opposed to when not assigning return value to variable)

  ' r =  f1 1      ' Parantheses required
    r =  f1(1)

  ' r =  f2 1, 2   '
    r =  f2(1, 2)  ' Parantheses allowed (as opposed to when not assigning return value to variable)

end sub ' }
Github repository about-VBA, path: /language/subs-and-functions/call-with-without-parantheses/basics.bas
