Search notes:

VBA functions: varPtr / strPtr

varPtr returns the address in memory where the value of a variable is stored.


varPtr(longVar) returns the memory-address where the value of the long is stored:
option explicit

sub main() ' {

    dim long_1       as long
    dim long_2       as long

    dim addr_1       as longPtr
    dim addr_2       as longPtr

    dim val_addr_1   as longPtr
    dim val_addr_2   as longPtr

    long_1 = 12345678
    long_2 =       42

  ' Determine the addresses of long_1 and long_2:
    addr_1 = varPtr(long_1)
    addr_2 = varPtr(long_2)

  ' The addresses are 4 bytes apart and decreasing. Apparently,
  ' they're allocated on the stack:
    debug.print "addr_1 = " & addr_1 ' 2093616
    debug.print "addr_2 = " & addr_2 ' 2093612

  ' Get the value in memory that the addresses of the
  ' variables point at:
    val_addr_1 = GetMem4_(addr_1)
    val_addr_2 = GetMem4_(addr_2)

  ' Not surprisingly, these values correspond to the
  ' values that were assigned to the variables:
    debug.print "val_addr_1 = " & val_addr_1 ' 12345678
    debug.print "val_addr_2 = " & val_addr_2 '       42

  ' Manipulate the memory that the addresses point at:
    PutMem4 addr_1, 123
    PutMem4 addr_2, 456

  ' The values of the variables were changed:
    debug.print "long_1 = " & long_1 ' 123
    debug.print "long_2 = " & long_2 ' 456

end sub ' }
Github repository about-VBA, path: /functions/xPtr/long.bas


The VBA runtime library function GetMem1 allows to inspect the values of the addresses (pointers) returned by varPtr and strPtr when applied on strings.
It turns out that the pointer returned with varPtr points the the memory location that is returned by strPtr.
option explicit

sub main()

    dim addr as longPtr

    dim str  as string

    str = "foo bar baz"

    addr = varPtr(str)
    debug.print "varPtr(str) =         " & addr

    addr = GetMem1_(addr + 0)                        + _
           GetMem1_(addr + 1) * 256&                 + _
           GetMem1_(addr + 2) * 256& * 256&          + _
           GetMem1_(addr + 3) * 256& * 256& * 256&

    debug.print "varPtr(str) points at " & addr

    addr = strPtr(str)
    debug.print "strPtr(str) =         " & addr

end sub

' varPtr(str) =         2355884
' varPtr(str) points at 147336780
' strPtr(str) =         147336780
Github repository about-VBA, path: /functions/xPtr/string.bas

Objects (objPtr)

See objPtr.

See also

VBA functions
