Search notes:

VBA: The #const compiler directive

The #const directive allows to declare values which can be queried as compile time with the preprocessor directives #if …. then#end if.
Unfortunately, it's not possible to access the value of a such a const value at run time (at least I would not be aware of it).
option explicit

#const txt = "bar"
#const num =  42
#const bol =  true

sub testDirectives()

   #if     txt = "foo" then
           debug.print "txt was defined to foo"
   #elseif txt = "bar" then
           debug.print "txt was defined to bar"
   #elseif txt = "baz" then
           debug.print "txt was defined to baz"
           debug.print "txt is either undefined or not defined to either foo, bar or baz"
   #end if

   #if     num         then
           debug.print "num was defined"

          #if num = 99 then
              debug.print "The value of num = 99"
              debug.print "The value of num <> 99"
          #end if
           debug.print "num was not defined"
   #end if

   #if     bol         then
           debug.print "bol is true"
           debug.print "bol is false"
   #end if

   #if     hello       then
           debug.print "hello was defined"
           debug.print "hello was not defined"
   #end if

end sub
txt was defined to bar
num was defined
The value of num <> 99
bol is true
hello was not defined

Predefined constants

Possibly predefined constants seem to be:
The win16, win32 and win64 constants identify the bitness of Office, not of the Windows installation on which Office is run.

See also

VBA compiler directives
Visual Basic for Application
