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VBA: Module, function and variable attributes

Module attributes

Module attributes are declared in the header of a module.
The following attributes are available
VB_Createable defines, together with VB_Exposed a class's accessibility and instancing.
VB_Exposed defines, together with VB_Createable a class's accessibility and instancing.
VB_GlobalNameSpace If set to true, the class is associated with a default instance variable with no publicly expressible name. Compare with VB_PredeclaredId. The class can be accessed using the classes default instance members.
VB_Name This attribute is used for both, class modules and ordinary modules: it names the module when it is imported.
VB_PredeclaredId If set to true, the class is associated with a default instance variable whose name is equal to that of the class. Compare with VB_GlobalNameSpace
The default values for these attributes is false.

Function, Sub and/or Method attributes

VB_VarDescription allows to add a description to a subs and functions.
VB_UserMemId specifies the DISPID for the method. If the value is 0, it specifies an object's default member function.
VB_ProcData.vb_invoke_func Allows to associate a VBA function with a keyboard shortcut.

Variable attributes

Then, there seems also to be the variable attribute VB_VarDescription

Identifying classes

In order to be able to identify class modules when they're imported, the file's first line must(?) read
This line probably doesn't count as an attribute, though.
