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Examples for Visual Basic for Application accessing the Windows API: Clipboard

Put text into the clipboard

The following example tries to demonstrate how some text can be put into the clipboard with VBA.
This example needs the VBA declarations of the Windows API which can be found here.
option explicit

sub main()

   dim memory          as long
   dim lockedMemory    as long
   dim text4clipboard  as string

   text4clipboard = "This text was placed into the clipboard via VBA"

   memory       = GlobalAlloc(GHND, len(text4clipboard) + 1)
   if memory = 0 then
      msgBox "GlobalAlloc failed"
      exit sub
   end if

   lockedMemory = GlobalLock(memory)
   if lockedMemory = 0 then
      msgBox "GlobalLock failed"
      exit sub
   end if

   lockedMemory = lstrcpy(lockedMemory, text4clipboard)

   call GlobalUnlock(memory)

   if openClipboard(0) = 0 Then
      msgBox "openClipboard failed"
      exit sub
   end if

   call EmptyClipboard()

   call SetClipboardData(CF_TEXT, memory)

   if CloseClipboard() = 0 then
      msgBox "CloseClipboard failed"
   end if

end sub
Github repository WinAPI-4-VBA, path: /examples/clipboard/put-text.bas
Compare with MS Forms object library / accessing the clipboard.
See also the VBA module clipboard.

See also

Other examples
