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Examples for Visual Basic for Application accessing the Windows API: ShellExecute

This example creates two files and then opens them by calling ShellExecute.
The first file is opened by passing its filename as lpFile. Windows will then use the default application for .txt file to open the file. By default, this is notepad.
Then, ShellExecute is invoked by passing notepad.exe as lpFile argument and the filename of the file to be opened as lpParameters argument. Thus, it makes sure that the file is opened with notepad.
This example needs the VBA declarations of the Windows API which can be found here.
option explicit

sub writeFile(filename as string)

    open   filename for output as #1
    print# 1, "This is the file"
    print# 1, "with the filename  " & filename
    close# 1

end sub

sub main()

    dim file_1 as string
    dim file_2 as string

    file_1 = environ("TEMP") & "\one.txt"
    file_2 = environ("TEMP") & "\two.txt"

    call writeFile(file_1)
    call writeFile(file_2)

    call ShellExecute(0, "Open", file_1       , ""    , "", 1)
    call ShellExecute(0, "Open", "notepad.exe", file_2, "", 1)

end sub
Github repository WinAPI-4-VBA, path: /examples/ShellExecute.bas

See also

WinAPI: ShellExecuteEx
Other examples
