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Examples for Visual Basic for Application accessing the Windows API: SetWindowsHookEx

This example uses SetWindowsHookEx to install a keyboard event hook handler (here: the sub LowLevelKeyboardProc). Such a handler is called whenever a user presses or releases a key on the keyboard.
This example needs the VBA declarations of the Windows API which can be found here.
option explicit

dim hookHandle  as long 
dim hookStarted as boolean

public cnt as long

function LowLevelKeyboardProc(byVal nCode as long, byVal wParam as long, lParam as KBDLLHOOKSTRUCT) as long ' {

    dim upOrDown as string
    dim altKey   as boolean
    dim char     as string

    if nCode <> HC_ACTION then
       LowLevelKeyboardProc = CallNextHookEx(0, nCode, wParam, byVal lParam)
       exit function
    end if

    select case wParam
           case WM_KEYDOWN   : upOrDown = "keyDown"
           case WM_KEYUP     : upOrDown = "keyUp"
           case WM_SYSKEYDOWN: upOrDown = "sysDown"
           case WM_SYSKEYUP  : upOrDown = "sysUp"
    end select

  ' Apparently, the 5th bit is set if an ALT key was involved:
    altKey = lParam.flags and 32

    if ( lParam.vkCode >= asc("A") ) and ( lParam.vkCode <= asc("Z") ) then
       char = chr(lParam.vkCode)


      select case lParam.vkCode
             case VK_ESCAPE   : char = "esc"

             case VK_LCONTROL : char = "ctrl L"
             case VK_RCONTROL : char = "ctrl R"

             case VK_LMENU    : char = "menu L"
             case VK_RMENU    : char = "menu R"

             case VK_RIGHT    : char = ">>"
             case VK_LEFT     : char = "<<"
             case VK_UP       : char = "^^"
             case VK_DOWN     : char = "vv"

             case VK_LSHIFT   : char = "shift L"
             case VK_RSHIFT   : char = "shift R"

             case VK_LWIN     : char = "win L"
             case VK_RWIN     : char = "win R"

             case VK_RETURN   : char = "enter"
             case else        : char = "?"
      end select

    end if

  ' Display what the user has pressed.
  '(Needs Excel)
    cells(1,1) = upOrDown
    cells(1,2) = lParam.vkCode
    cells(1,3) = char
    cells(1,4) = lParam.flags

    if altKey then cells(1,5) = "alt" else cells(1,5) = "-"

    if lParam.vkCode = VK_ESCAPE then stopHook

    LowLevelKeyboardProc = CallNextHookEx(0, nCode, wParam, byVal lParam)

end function ' }

public sub stopHook() ' {

    if hookStarted then
       UnhookWindowsHookEx hookHandle
       hookStarted = false
    end if


end sub ' }

sub installHook() ' {

  ' don't hook the keyboard twice !!

    if hookStarted = false then
        hookHandle = SetWindowsHookEx(  _ 
           WH_KEYBOARD_LL                  , _
           addressOf LowLevelKeyboardProc  , _
           application.hInstance           , _
           0 )

        if hookHandle <> 0 then
           hookStarted = true
           msgBox "Could not install hook"
        end if

        msgBox "Hook is already enabled"
    end if

end sub  ' }
Github repository WinAPI-4-VBA, path: /examples/SetWindowsHookEx/WH_KEYBOARD_LL.bas

See also

swap_keys.c: a small c program that swaps the Esc and the Caps Lock keys.
Other examples
