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Unsuccessful example for Visual Basic for Application accessing the Windows API: SetWinEventHooks

This is an example that does not work. Please let me know, if you know why.
option explicit

dim hh as long

function getAddressOfCallback(addr as long) as long
end function

sub main ' {

    dim hWnd        as longPtr
    dim regClass    as integer
    dim tq84Class   as WNDCLASSEX
    dim msg_        as MSG

    tq84Class.cbSize        = lenB(tq84Class)         = CS_HREDRAW or CS_VREDRAW
    tq84Class.lpfnwndproc   = getAddressOfCallback(addressOf WindowProc)
    tq84Class.cbClsextra    = 0
    tq84Class.cbWndExtra    = 0
    tq84Class.hInstance     = application.hInstance
    tq84Class.hIcon         = LoadIcon      (0, IDI_APPLICATION)
    tq84Class.hIconSm       = LoadIcon      (0, IDI_APPLICATION)
    tq84Class.hCursor       = LoadCursor    (0, IDC_ARROW      )
    tq84Class.hbrBackground = GetStockObject(   WHITE_BRUSH    )
    tq84Class.lpszMenuName  = 0
    tq84Class.lpszClassName ="TQ84CLASS"

    regClass= RegisterClassEx(tq84Class)

    hWnd = CreateWindowEx(                  _
              WS_EX_DLGMODALFRAME         , _
             "TQ84CLASS"                  , _
             "Title of window"            , _
              WS_POPUPWINDOW or WS_CAPTION, _
              100, 100, 500, 200,           _
              0, 0,                         _
              application.hInstance       , _

    if hWnd = 0 then
       msgBox "Failed to create window"
       exit sub
    end if

    ShowWindow   hWnd, SW_SHOWNORMAL

  ' Enter message loop until WM_QUIT is encountered:
    do while 0 <> GetMessage(msg_, 0, 0, 0)
        TranslateMessage msg_
        DispatchMessage  msg_

end sub ' }

' { WindowProc
function WindowProc(              _
         byVal lhwnd  as longPtr, _
         byVal msg_   as long   , _
         byVal wParam as long   , _
         byVal lParam as long) as longPtr

    dim ps         as PAINTSTRUCT
    dim clientRect as RECT
    dim hdc        as longPtr

    dim text as string

    select case msg_

          case WM_CREATE

              hh = SetWinEventHook(       _
                EVENT_OBJECT_CREATE     , _
                EVENT_OBJECT_CREATE     , _
                0                       , _
                addressOf WinEventProc  , _
                0&                      , _
                0&                      , _

              debug.print "hh = " & hh ", last error = " & GetLastError()

          case WM_PAINT

              hdc = BeginPaint(lhwnd, ps)
              call GetClientRect(lhwnd, clientRect)
              text = "SetWinEventHook"

              call DrawText(      _
                     hdc,         _
                     text,        _
                     len(text),   _
                     clientRect,  _
                     DT_SINGLELINE or DT_CENTER or DT_VCENTER)

              call EndPaint(lhwnd, ps)

              exit function

          case WM_DESTROY

              PostQuitMessage 0
              exit function

    end select

    WindowProc = DefWindowProc(lhwnd, msg_, wParam, lParam)

end function ' }

' { WinEventProc
function WinEventProc(               _
      byVal hookHandle     as long,  _
      byVal lEvent         as long,  _
      byVal hWnd           as long,  _
      byVal idObject       as long,  _
      byVal idChild        as long,  _
      byVal idEventThread  as long,  _
      byVal dwmsEventTime  as long   _
  ) as long

  if     lEvent = EVENT_OBJECT_CREATE then
         debug.print "An object was created"
  elseif lEvent = EVENT_OBJECT_DESTROY then
         debug.print "An object was destroyed"
  elseif lEvent = EVENT_SYSTEM_FOREGROUND then
         debug.print "EVENT_SYSTEM_FOREGROUND"
  elseif lEvent = EVENT_OBJECT_SHOW then
         debug.print "EVENT_OBJECT_SHOW"
         debug.print "Unexpected event"
  end if

end function ' }
Github repository WinAPI-4-VBA, path: /examples/SetWinEventHook/EVENT_OBJECT_CREATE.bas

See also

Other examples
