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Examples for Visual Basic for Application accessing the Windows API: FormatMessage

This example shows how FormatMessage can be used to create the text for a Windows error number.
The example needs the VBA declarations of the Windows API which can be found here.
option explicit

sub main()

    dim errNo  as long
    dim rc     as long
    dim langId as long

    dim errStr as string * FORMAT_MESSAGE_TEXT_LEN

  ' The error number for which the text has to be retrieved:
    errNo  = 1428

  ' The language into which to format the message. 0 = default language.
    langId = 0

    rc = FormatMessage (                                                _
           0                                                          , _
           errNo                                                      , _
           langId                                                     , _
           errStr                                                     , _
           FORMAT_MESSAGE_TEXT_LEN                                    , _

    if rc <> 0 then
       msgBox "Error text for " & errNo & " is: " & errStr
       msgBox "Could not format message"
    end if

end sub
Github repository WinAPI-4-VBA, path: /examples/FormatMessage.bas

See also

Other examples
