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Examples for Visual Basic for Application accessing the Windows API: CreateWindowEx

This example needs the VBA declarations of the Windows API which can be found here.

Hello World

This is the classical hello World: it creates a window and waits for it to be destroyed.
option explicit

' global th  as long

function getAddressOfCallback(addr as long) as long
end function

sub main ' {

    dim tid as long
    dim th  as long

'   if th <> 0 then
'      debug.print "Thread already created"
'      exit sub
'   end if

    if true then
       call createWin(0)
    '  Experimental: trying to create the window in its
    '  own thread. Does not really work...
       debug.print "Trying to create a thread"
       th =  CreateThread (         _
            0                     , _
            0                     , _
            addressOf createWin   , _
            0                     , _
            0                     , _
       if th = 0 then
          msgBox "failed to create thread, error code: " & GetLastError()
          exit sub
       end if
       debug.print "Thread is created, thread id = " & tid
    end if

end sub ' }

' sub closeThread() ' {
' '   if th <> 0 then
' '      debug.print "Closing handle of thread"
' '      CloseHandle(th)
' '      th = 0
' '   else
' '      debug.print "th = 0"
' '   end if
' end sub ' }

function createWin(lpParam as long) as long ' {

    dim hWnd        as longPtr
    dim regClass    as integer
    dim tq84Class   as WNDCLASSEX
    dim msg_        as MSG

    tq84Class.cbSize        = lenB(tq84Class)         = CS_HREDRAW or CS_VREDRAW
    tq84Class.lpfnwndproc   = getAddressOfCallback(addressOf WindowProc)
    tq84Class.cbClsextra    = 0
    tq84Class.cbWndExtra    = 0
    tq84Class.hInstance     = 0
    tq84Class.hIcon         = LoadIcon      (0, IDI_APPLICATION)
    tq84Class.hIconSm       = LoadIcon      (0, IDI_APPLICATION)
    tq84Class.hCursor       = LoadCursor    (0, IDC_ARROW      )
    tq84Class.hbrBackground = GetStockObject(   WHITE_BRUSH    )
    tq84Class.lpszMenuName  = 0
    tq84Class.lpszClassName ="TQ84CLASS"

    regClass= RegisterClassEx(tq84Class)

    hWnd = CreateWindowEx(                  _
              WS_EX_DLGMODALFRAME         , _
             "TQ84CLASS"                  , _
             "Title of window"            , _
              WS_POPUPWINDOW or WS_CAPTION, _
              100, 100, 500, 200,           _
              0, 0, 0, 0)

    if hWnd = 0 then
       msgBox "Failed to create window"
       exit function
    end if

    ShowWindow   hWnd, SW_SHOWNORMAL
    UpdateWindow hWnd
    SetFocus     hWnd       
  ' Enter message loop until WM_QUIT is encountered:
    do while 0 <> GetMessage(msg_, 0, 0, 0)
        TranslateMessage msg_
        DispatchMessage  msg_

    createWin = msg_.wParam
end function ' }

' { WindowProc
function WindowProc(              _
         byVal lhwnd  as longPtr, _
         byVal msg_   as long   , _
         byVal wParam as long   , _
         byVal lParam as long) as longPtr

    dim ps         as PAINTSTRUCT
    dim clientRect as RECT
    dim hdc        as longPtr

    dim text as string

    select case msg_

          case WM_PAINT

              hdc = BeginPaint(lhwnd, ps)
              call GetClientRect(lhwnd, clientRect)
              text = "Hello world"

              call DrawText(      _
                     hdc,         _
                     text,        _
                     len(text),   _
                     clientRect,  _
                     DT_SINGLELINE or DT_CENTER or DT_VCENTER)

              call EndPaint(lhwnd, ps)

              exit function
          case WM_DESTROY

              PostQuitMessage 0
              exit function

    end select
    WindowProc = DefWindowProc(lhwnd, msg_, wParam, lParam)

end function ' }
Github repository WinAPI-4-VBA, path: /examples/CreateWindowEx/helloWorld.bas

See also

Creating a listbox window
Other examples
