Search notes:

Python library: tabulate

Import tabulate and create a list of list (data) to be printed in tabular form:
from tabulate import *

data = [ [  42, 'forty-two'  , 'foo & bar' ],
         [  99, 'ninety-nine',  None       ],
         [   7, 'seven'      , 'baz'       ],
         [-113,  None        , 'xyz etc.'  ]]
Use tabululate() to print data:

----  -----------  ---------
  42  forty-two    foo & bar
  99  ninety-nine
   7  seven        baz
-113               xyz etc.
----  -----------  ---------
Adding a header:
print(tabulate(data, headers = ['Num', 'Text', 'Other']))

  Num  Text         Other
-----  -----------  ---------
   42  forty-two    foo & bar
   99  ninety-nine
    7  seven        baz
 -113               xyz etc.
Specify the columns' alignment:
print(tabulate(data, headers = ['Num', 'Text', 'Other'], colalign=('left', 'center', 'right')))

Num       Text          Other
-----  -----------  ---------
42      forty-two   foo & bar
99     ninety-nine
7         seven           baz
-113                 xyz etc.

Render the result of an SQL statement in a Jupyter Notebook

tablefmt = 'html' formats the data as HTML. This is especially useful when being used in a Jupyter Notebook.
The following example uses the cx_Oracle library to execute an SQL statement on an Oracle database and render the result in an HTML table:
import cx_Oracle as cxora
import tabulate

con = cxora.connect(user='rene', password = 'theSecret' dsn='ora19')

cur = con.cursor()
res = cur.execute('''

tabulate.tabulate(res, tablefmt = 'html', headers = [ _[0] for _ in cur.description ])

Displaying the result of a Wikidata SPARQL query

The following example uses the Python library requests to query the Wikidata endpoint and then displays the result in tabular form using the tabulate library (see also this requests example).
import requests
from   tabulate import tabulate

query = """
  (lang(?label) as ?lang)
   wd:Q22661317  rdfs:label ?label .

response = requests.get(
  ''                     ,
   params  = {'query' :  query                           },
   headers = {'Accept': 'application/sparql-results+json'}
response_json = response.json()
results = response_json['results']['bindings']

#  List of tuples containing the data for each row in the table
table_data = [
      result['lang' ]['value'],
   for result in results]
print(tabulate(table_data, headers = ['Item', 'Label']))
