Search notes:

Python library: PyEphem

PyEphem allows to compute planet, comet, asteroid and Earth satellite positions. Apparently, the authors of PyEphem recommend to use the Skyfield python library instead, if possible.

import ephem

def galacticToEquatorial(lon, lat):
    galactic   = ephem.Galactic(lon, lat)
    equatorial = ephem.Equatorial(galactic)

    print str(lon)+'/'+str(lat)+': RA='+str(equatorial.ra)+', dec='+str(equatorial.dec.real / 3.14156 * 180)

galacticToEquatorial(  '0:0:0',   '0:0:0')  # Galactic Center
galacticToEquatorial(  '0:0:0',  '90:0:0')  # Galactic North Pole
galacticToEquatorial(  '0:0:0', '180:0:0')  # Opposite Galactic Center
galacticToEquatorial(  '0:0:0', '270:0:0')  # Galactic South Pole
galacticToEquatorial( '90:0:0',   '0:0:0')  # Lat 90
galacticToEquatorial('270:0:0',   '0:0:0')  # Lat 270

Github repository about-python, path: /libraries/PyEphem/

See also

Astronomie: Orientierung an der Himmelskugel
