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Python: iterator example - create arbitrary number of fibonacci numbers

The following example tries to demonstrate how customized __iter__ and __next__ methods can be used to create an iterator.

class Fibonacci():
    def __init__(self, howMany):
        self.counter = howMany
        self.curFib  = 0
        self.nextFib = 1

    def __iter__(self):
     #  Return an object that exposes an __next__ method.
     #  self (whose type is Fibonacci) is such an object:
        return self

    def __next__(self):

        if self.counter == 0:
        #  We have returned the count of fibonacci numbers
        #  asked for… stop the iteration:
           raise StopIteration

        self.counter -= 1

        nextFib       = self.curFib + self.nextFib
        self.curFib   = self.nextFib
        self.nextFib  = nextFib

        return self.curFib

# We want 10 fibonacci numbers:
fib_10 = Fibonacci(10)

# Print the 10 fibonacci numbers:
for fib in fib_10:
Github repository about-python, path: /iterators/
