Search notes:

Python: __slots__

An object stores its members in either a special member with the name __dict__ (which happens to be a dict) or in so-called slots.
Objects that are created from class definitions that assign a tuple (or list?) to __slots__ become object with such slots.
Other classes will have a __dict__.
An object with slots has a predefined number and names of members while «ordinary» objects with a __dict__ can be assigned an aribtrary number of objects to any member name.


The following simple demonstration creates two classes, one with slots and one with __dict__.
After creating one object for each class, the members of each class are stored in a set (members_s and members_d) and the set operator - is used to find which members exist in one class but not in the other.
It turns out that the slot-object has __slots__ (as expected), is missing __dict__ (also expected) but is also missing __weakref__ (possibly not expeced).
class MembersInDict:

  def __init__(self):
      self.num =  42
      self.txt = 'Hello world'

# --

class MembersInSlots:

  __slots__ = 'num', 'txt'

  def __init__(self):
      self.num =  42
      self.txt = 'Hello world'

d = MembersInDict()
s = MembersInSlots()

members_d = set(dir(d))
members_s = set(dir(s))

print(members_d - members_s)
#  {'__weakref__', '__dict__'}

print(members_s - members_d)
#  {'__slots__'}

d.dyn = 'dynamic member'

# Following line would throw
#    AttributeError: 'MembersInSlots' object has no attribute 'dynamic'
# if not commented.
# s.dynamic = 'xyz'

for k, v in d.__dict__.items():
    print(f'{k} = {v}')
Github repository about-Python, path: /dunders/__slots__/

See also

Other dunders
