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Python: class methods

A method is a class

A method is a class. So it can be assigned to variable, and then later be called:
class cls:

      def __init__(self, ident):
          self.ident = ident

      def x(self):
          print('x was called, ident = {}'.format(self.ident))

      def y(self):
          print('y was called, ident = {}'.format(self.ident))

obj_1 = cls('foo')
obj_2 = cls('bar')

m1 = obj_1.x
m2 = obj_2.y

#  x was called, ident = foo

#  y was called, ident = bar

#  <class 'method'>

Github repository about-Python, path: /class/methods/

See also

The __mro__ dunder (which stands for method resolution order).
